What is a participle and participial phrase? Can you provide examples? A participle is a verb form that functions as an adjective. Present participles end in -ing (e.g., smiling), while past participles often end in -ed or -en (e.g., broken). A participial phrase includes the particip...
The present participle is used for the continuous tenses, and the past participle is used for the perfect tenses. Both can be used as adjectives. What are participial phrases? Participial phrases are a type of adjective phrase that begins with a participle. In the example “A man wearing a ...
Past participles can be used asadjectives, inparticipial phrases, and to formperfect verb tenses. They can also be used to formpassive sentences(i.e., sentences in which the subject is acted upon). Examples: Uses of past participles
Participle Phrase Examples #3)Sweeping across the night sky, the bats hunted their prey. (Sweepingis the present participle, andsweeping across the night skyis the participial phrase. The participial phrase modifiesbats.) Participle Phrase Examples #4)Quickly checking over his answers, Patrick handed...
Present Participle Phrase Examples Participle Phrase versus Gerund Phrase Punctuating Participle Phrase Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions How do you write a participial phrase? The first thing to decide is what noun or pronoun is going to be modified by the phrase. The second is to chose ...
What is a Participial Phrase? Aparticipial phraseis composed of aparticiple, a word formed from a verb but used as an adjective to describe a noun or a pronoun, and an object. Let's discuss its importance and other examples below.
Here are two examples of sentences with dangling participles: Swooping with speed and precision, the grasshopper was snatched by the hawk. (The participle phrase seems to be modifyinggrasshopperwhen it is actually supposed to be modifyinghawk.) ...
Examples: Past participles as adjectives Joseph threw theburnedtoast in the bin. The man was clearlyagitated. Rose swept up theshatteredvase. Participial phrases Aparticipial phraseis a phrase headed by a participle that modifies a noun or pronoun in the main clause of a sentence. ...
Take a look at these participial phrase examples in sentences: Men interested in womenis a common thing. Having been a doctor for five years,Sheila instantly knew the lump was benign. Smiling at Jane, Jack planted a kiss on her forehead. ...
Since all phrases require two or more words, a participle phrase will often include objects and/or modifiers that complete the thought. Here are examples: Crunching caramel corn for the entire movie Washed with soap and water Stuck in the back of the closet behind the obsolete computer Partic...