2, R Chow1, D Jury1, LL Hansen2, H Hager3,4, P Lamy5, CL Choi1, D Agalliu6, DG Zisoulis1 and IM Pedersen1 miR-151a and its host gene, focal adhesion kinase, FAK, are located in a region of chromosome 8q that is frequently amplified in solid tumors, including lung cancer....
5. Time inTtheerfviraslt lciomluimt annsdpeociufitepsuthtecpoonstirtiooln.s of the boundary conditions; the second column specifies the types that are identified by any of the letters 'D', 'N', 'R' or 'C', corresponding respectively OptiontoalDpiarircahmlete,teNresuwmahnicnh, Rmoabiyn...