Part-time work or a part-time job is a flexible work arrangement which means working less than full-time hours, with keeping all employment entitlements on a pro-rata basis.
Define Part time. Part time synonyms, Part time pronunciation, Part time translation, English dictionary definition of Part time. adj. For or during less than the customary or standard time: a part-time job. part′-time′ adv. part′-tim′er n. American
"The Definition of Part-time Work for the Purpose of International Comparisons," Labour Market and Social Policy Occasional Papers, No.22, OECD, 1997.van Bastelaer, A., Lemaitre, G., Marianna, P. (1997). ‘The definition of part-time work for the purpose of international comparisons’. ...
time work as less than 30 to 35 hours per week. Part-time work has also been defined by whether the employee reports himself or herself as working part-time. In organizational research, the self-report definition of part-time work status (i.e., whether employed on a part-time or full-...
The Definition of Part-Time Work for the Purpose of International Comparisons (1997) `The Definition of Part-time Work for the Purpose of International Comparisons', OECD Labour Market and Social Policy Occasional Papers, no. 22, OECD, Paris.Van Bastelaer, A., Lemaˆitre, G., & Marianna...
a constituent piece of a machine or tool either included at the time of manufacture or set in place as a replacement for the original piece. Music. the written or printed matter extracted from the score that a single performer or section uses in the performance of concerted music: ...
•Part-time work Women are far morelikelythan men towork part-time, astable4.2 shows.•I amworking part-time, but mymaternityleave begins next month.•In amajorfederalsurvey, one-third of the men and womeninterviewedsaid they wouldwork part-timeifpossible.•Henry nowworks part-timewith...
The meaning of PART is one of the often indefinite or unequal subdivisions into which something is or is regarded as divided and which together constitute the whole. How to use part in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Part.
part-time inConditions of employment topic From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishˌpart-ˈtime●●○adjective[only before noun]someone who has apart-timejob works for only part of each day or weeka part-time jobwomen wishing to return to workon a part-time basis—part-timeadverbShe...
Provides information on the study which focused on knowing how much stock should be put in the apparent association between employment growth and the prevalence of part-time workers in an industry in the United States. Definition of relative growth rate of an industry; Methodology; Employment growth...