Part-time work or a part-time job is a flexible work arrangement which means working less than full-time hours, with keeping all employment entitlements on a pro-rata basis.
Define Part time. Part time synonyms, Part time pronunciation, Part time translation, English dictionary definition of Part time. adj. For or during less than the customary or standard time: a part-time job. part′-time′ adv. part′-tim′er n. American
Kids Definition part-time adjective or adverb ˈpärt-ˈtīm : involving or working less than a full or regular schedule More from Merriam-Webster on part-time Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for part-time Nglish: Translation of part-time for Spanish Speakers...
The meaning of PART-TIME is involving or working less than customary or standard hours. How to use part-time in a sentence.
MARIANNA (1997): "The Definition of Part-Time Work for the Purpose of International Comparisons," Labour market and social policy occasional papers no. 22, OECD.Van Bastelaer, Alois, Georges Lemaitre and Pascal Marianna (1997) "The definition of part-time work for the purpose of international...
The Definition of Part-Time Work for the Purpose of International Comparisons (1997) `The Definition of Part-time Work for the Purpose of International Comparisons', OECD Labour Market and Social Policy Occasional Papers, no. 22, OECD, Paris.Van Bastelaer, A., Lemaˆitre, G., & Marianna...
time work as less than 30 to 35 hours per week. Part-time work has also been defined by whether the employee reports himself or herself as working part-time. In organizational research, the self-report definition of part-time work status (i.e., whether employed on a part-time or full-...
part-time meaning, definition, what is part-time: someone who has a part-time job works fo...: Learn more.
A basic or essential part:Working overtime is part and parcel of my job. part company/ways 1.To leave one another's presence; go away or separate. 2.To disagree or stop associating because of a disagreement. take part To join in; participate:She took part in the celebration. ...
In short and in general, in the US,full-time work is commonly considered to be 32-40 hours or more working time per week. However, depending on what definition you look at, you may see different numbers for full-time hours. For example, theBureau of Labor Statistics definitionof full-ti...