student”指的是全日制,“part-time student”指的是非全日制,两者主要的区别在于学制不同。具体区别如下:一、上课方式不同 “full-time student”属于脱产学习,所有时间用在学校里学习课程;“part-time student”主要是在周末上课或者课量较少。二、招生方式不同 “full-time student”参加统一考试;...
Let’s take a closer look at each difference between part-time and full-time student life.Number of CreditsThe most obvious difference between a part-time and full-time student is the number of credit hours in any given semester. So, how many classes are full-time? This depends on where...
There are differences between full-time and part-time status in college. We’ll go over how classes, credits, and the college you attend can make a difference.
被加拿大两所大学录取,一所是带co-op的商学学士,这个显示的是part-time student。另一所是经济学,是full-time student,顿时凌乱,具体是什么意思,求解释! xucheng1588 采纳率:51% 等级:12 已帮助:8986人 私信TA向TA提问 1个回答 天气不错qkk 2013.11.12 天气不错qkk 采纳率:47% 等级:12 已帮助:6035人 私...
A full-time student is one who has enrolled in a minimum of 12 credits or about four classes per semester. A part-time student is one who is enrolled in less than 12 credit hours. Full-time students generally spend more time in class during a semester than part-...
Here is what you need to know to make an informed decision on whether you should be a full-time or part-time student in college.
An Analysis of Student Satisfaction: Full-Time vs. Part-Time Students[J] . Ana I. Moro-Egido,Judith Panades.Social Indicators Research . 2010 (2)MORO-EGIDO, A. I.; PANADES, J. An analysis of student satisfaction: Full-time vs. part-time students. Social Indicators Research, v. 96, n...
全日制学生 和 兼职学生 就英国的研究生来说 全日制学生一年完成学业 兼职学生两年完成学业 课程设置基本是一样的 相对来说兼职的容易些 读出来文凭估计差点