student”指的是全日制,“part-time student”指的是非全日制,两者主要的区别在于学制不同。具体区别如下:一、上课方式不同 “full-time student”属于脱产学习,所有时间用在学校里学习课程;“part-time student”主要是在周末上课或者课量较少。二、招生方式不同 “full-time student”参加统一考试;...
“full-time student”指的是全日制,“part-time student”指的是非全日制,两者主要的区别在于学制不同。具体区别如下:一、上课方式不同 “full-time student”属于脱产学习,所有时间用在学校里学习课程;“part-time student”主要是在周末上课或者课量较少。二、招生方式不同 “full-time student”...
There are differences between full-time and part-time status in college. We’ll go over how classes, credits, and the college you attend can make a difference.
There are differences between full-time and part-time status in college. We’ll go over how classes, credits, and the college you attend can make a difference.
A full-time student is one who has enrolled in a minimum of 12 credits or about four classes per semester. Click here to learn more!
While studying full time means a heavier workload, you can alsograduate collegesooner. According to theUniversity of California Santa Cruz, a full-time undergraduate student would enroll in at least 12 semester credit hours while a part-time student might enroll in six to 11...
Most undergraduates attend college full-time, but it's not right for everyone. Ask these five questions to determine if full- or part-time is best for you.
An Analysis of Student Satisfaction: Full-Time vs. Part-Time Students[J] . Ana I. Moro-Egido,Judith Panades.Social Indicators Research . 2010 (2)Moro-Egido, A. I., & Panades, J. (2010). An analysis of student satisfaction: Full-time vs. part- time students. Social Indicators Research...