The U.S. is home to roughly 2.5 million black-owned businesses, according to the Census Bureau. Although the vast majority are sole proprietorships or small-scale affairs, an increasing number have regional reach and national ambitions. Below, we resurface 10 black entrepreneurs who have recently...
I love being placed so firmly in this time of New York: Bowie, and grittiness, and a kind of freedom that is rarely allotted to teenagers these days, but was once taken for granted. Of course, there is another side to the coin of this kind of freedom, which could take the shape of...
If he only listened to people with more practical sense, he would not own a company in NYC with mult-million dollar annual revenues. Reply Chucks July 25, 2013, 8:03 pm Well, you were financially independent by the time you started the blog. Without a second job or financial independe...