Part time MBA London The MBA degree is a widely recognised brand that symbolises high quality leadership and management training. MBA itself is a acronym for ‘Master of Business & Administration’ and is a internationally recognised business and management qualification. Its a popular degree course ...
Alliance Manchester Business School - The University of ManchesterAlliance Manchester Business School Booth Street West Manchester M15 6PB, UKChoose a Master, an MS or an MBA in MBA part time The sector of MBA Part Time The directives positions must be occupied ...
University of Rochester (Simon) Part-Time MBA Program The part-time Professional MBA Program allows working professionals to maximize their learning with manageable part-time studies and customize their electives to best suite their career objectives. The experience allows students to progress through the...
所以,我决定读个Part-Time MBA,既能保持工作,又能探索新的方向。 个人背景简述📊工作时长:6年 目前工作:科技大厂的高级应用科学家,带5个人的项目团队,但不是manager,主要负责技术和对外项目沟通。 教育背景:国内本科,美国硕士,专业是数学/统计。 GPA:3.95+,虽然不重要,但超过历届申请中位数就行。
University of Massachusetts--Boston Part-Time MBA Program The part-time MBA program consists of 12 courses - 36 credits with no pre-requisites, offering students the flexibility to take classes on campus, or online (asynchronous learning). The University of Massachusetts Boston has one MBA program...
Degree:MBA Program Type:Part-time Class Style:On Campus Duration:More than 2 years Visit SiteProgram Description Don’t compromise quality for convenience. Tailor-made to drive your professional development forward without sacrificing your career momentum, more students choose the Questrom Professional E...
The Strathclyde Business School is offering MBA part-time scholarships for international students in the UK. There are three types of scholarships: Female Leader of the Future Scholarship, Entrepreneurial Scholarship and Visionary Scholarship, each worth £5000. ...
霍特国际商学院最新推出线上Part-Time MBA项目,来自世界各地的职场精英将不用脱产/在周末通过线上学习的方式,两年内获得美国、英国双重认证的MBA学位! 霍特国际商学院的一年全日制MBA项目多次获得AMBA颁发的奖项,《经济学人》全球排名38位。线上Part-Time MBA项目的推出,又为职场精英提供了一个更为灵活的教育选择,...
Full-time MBA一般都是2年的项目,针对平均有5年左右工作经验的人。大多数项目每年只有一个时间入学,通常在秋季。学时通常是2年。这两年内学生在校全职学习,第一年的暑假大多数学生都会做夏季实习,实习结束后回到学校继续读书,在第二年的夏天毕业。 Part-time MBA ...