所属专辑:顶尖MBA成功申请分享 音频列表 1 2年四大经验斩获Kellogg耶鲁Tuck录取 637 2024-03 2 Kellogg Booth Stern Part-time MBA申请及就读体验 719 2024-03 3 沃顿MIT耶鲁EMBA成功申请经验分享 689 2024-02 4 低GPA/非名校/无大厂/无名企,逆袭拿下Top 10 Deferred MBA ...
6. New York University (Stern) New York, NY The part-time MBA at NYU's Stern School of Business requires applicants to take either the GMAT, GRE, or EA but waivers are available. One letter of recommendation is needed to apply, and international students must prove English proficiency. The...
这些公司的理由是这样的:除了因为full-time项目相对更难进,学生有可能本身更优秀这个理由之外,他们认为,full-time MBA学生决定辞职2年去读书,本身就承担了更多的风险,他们的机会成本比part-time学生要高的多(2年的时间和工资,高昂的学费和生活费,毕业后求职的压力和未来的不确定性等等),所以他们会更有压力,更有动...
例如,在密歇根大学罗斯商学院(Ross School of Business)自主定进度的part-time MBA项目中,大多数学生将在大约三到四年的时间内完成学位,但他们最多可以用10年的时间完成该项目。 美国管理研究生入学委员会(Graduate Management Admission Council)在其申请趋势研究报告中称,这类自我节奏的part-time MBA课程正变得越来...
NYU Stern part-time MBA 2023 application NYU part-time MBA essay question #1 (Professional aspirations) (350 word maximum) What are your short- and long-term career goals? How will the part-time MBA help you achieve them? If you do not live in the NYC metro area, tell us your plans ...
Here are the 2024 Best Part-time MBA Programs University of Chicago (Booth) University of California, Berkeley (Haas) Northwestern University (Kellogg) New York University (Stern) University of California--Los Angeles (Anderson) University of Michigan--Ann Arbor (Ross) University of Texas--Austin...
Here is a list of the 13 top part-time MBA programs in the U.S. News rankings. 1. University of Chicago (Booth)2. University of California—Berkeley (Haas)3. Northwestern University (Kellogg)4. New York University (Stern)5. University of California—Los Angeles (Anderson)6. University ...
In 2005, as a part-time MBA student at the New York University Stern School of Business' Langone Program for Working Professionals, Kelvin Gary had investment banking on the brain and wanted to attend the IB presentations at his school. However, Gary was turned away at the door and told ...
For example, at NYU (Stern)—the No. 6 best part-time MBA program—tuition alone costs students $170,000. Just down the road at Pace University, home to the No. 44 best program, tuition is closer to $60,000. When looking at prices, research the cost per credit as well as the ...
1)现有的工作机会拥有足够的成长空间,通过MBA的学习,可以将学习的理论知识直接应用于现有工作的实践中,帮助自己一边学习一边快速成长 2)不愿意为Full-Time MBA离开目前生活的城市,自己目前生活的城市恰好有不错的Part-Time MBA项目,或者可以接受每月一次飞往另一个城市参加MBA的学习 ...