part time jobs业余工作 Part time Professor兼职教授 part time employees非整班雇员 part time shift非全日班次 part time job半日工作 part time teacher兼职教师 part time employment非全日性工作,非全日制就业 part time idleness半失业 part time judge【法】 兼职法官 ...
If so, you might find a job designing or creating websites for customers.E. Although the money can be much, you will have to pay rental fees at fairs.F. Shelters hire low wage employees to spend time with the animals and clean their cages.G. Starting a business appeals to many ...
part time employees 非整班雇员 Part time Professor 兼职教授 part time shift 非全日班次 part time jobs 业余工作 part time job 半日工作 part time application 部分时间使用 part time work 半日工作 part time staff 【法】 非全日工作人员, 兼职人贝 part time teacher 兼职教师 part time...
In fact, some companies offer jobs with a range of great benefits for part-time employees. Finding a part-time job with health insurance, dental, or vision coverage; a 401(k) savings plan; paid vacation time; and other benefits can take a bit of company research on your part. Of the ...
TAIPEI, Jan. 27 (Xinhua) -- In Taiwan, 75.84 percent of employees are considering taking part-time jobs during this year's Spring Festival holiday which starts on Feb. 5, indicating shrinking salaries as a major reason, a survey released by Taiwan's 1111 Job Bank has shown. ...
Lighter payroll: Going for part-time employees can sometimes be the right financial move. You’ll be spending less on payroll, and if these employees can handle their roles well in their part-time hours, there’s no need to turn those roles into full-time ones. For some businesses, the ...
for students to earn pocket money.If so,you might find work designing or creating websites for customers.Shelters hire employees to spend time with the animals and clean their cages.Part-Time Jobs for High School Students Some students work in traditional part-time jobs, but there are a ...
Overtime laws for part-time and full-time employees Whether your employees are eligible for overtime pay may play into your definition of full-time vs. part-time employee. Employees whose jobs are governed by the FLSA are either exempt or nonexempt. Nonexempt employees are entitled to overtim...
Using the Finnish Labour Force Surveys merged with register-based follow-up data, we analyzed how different characteristics of part-time work predict employees' and entrepreneurs' employment trajectories in an 8-year follow-up. We analyzed careers by the length of weekly working hours and the reaso...
)He's been struggling to find a full-time job, so in the meantime, he's been doing odd jobs here and there to make ends meet.(他一直在努力找全职工作,所以与此同时,他偶尔做些零工来维持生计。)02关于“兼职”的英语表达 “兼职”最简单的就是“part-time job”,其中“part-time”可以...