part time employment 非全日性工作,非全日制就业 part time jobs 业余工作 part time job 半日工作 Part time Professor 兼职教授 part time employees 非整班雇员 part time shift 非全日班次 part time application 部分时间使用 part time work 半日工作 part time staff 【法】 非全日工作人员,...
根据Handshake部分中“Handshake uses cutting edge technology to help you more easily connect with employers and source jobs, internships, event information, and On-Campus Recruiting (OCR) opportunities. You will find a variety of part-time positions located on campus or within an easily commutable ...
United States Part Time Employment In the United States, employed part-time workers are persons who usually work 35 hours or less per week. Actual Previous Highest Lowest Dates Unit Frequency 27666.00 27943.00 28632.00 10086.00 1968 - 2024 Thousand Monthly SA ...
You will find a variety of part-time positions located on campus or within an easily accessible area.( 这是就业中心提供的校内和校外招聘信息的独家在线数据库。你会发现各种各样的兼职职位位于校园或在一个容易到达的地区。)”和Work Study部分的“Work Study positions are restricted to students who have...
【题目】Part-time Employment and More JobsGetting startedReview the information offered in our JobSearch section, where you can learn how toconstruct your resume and get feedbackprepare for interviewsunderstand employer expectationsnegotiate job offers and work schedulesand much moreFinding part-time ...
Part-time jobs are one example: their flexibility may help workers reconcile work and family life, and increase women's labour force participation, but part-time employment can also result in new forms of inequality, thereby undermining EU equal opportunity policies. Empirically analysing labour ...
1. Full-time and Part-time Jobs 全职和兼职工作 A: Did you have a part-time job when you were still in school? B: No, I was way too*busy studying all the time. How about you? A: Yeah, I worked about twenty hours a week in a pizza restaurant. ...
Looking for part-time jobs in a great place to work? Learn more about openings at Silver Star Brands, a brand management company in Oshkosh, WI.
Service sector jobs are most likely to be part-time, notably in the arts, private working at home, teaching, health, and social sectors. Switzerland boasts one of the lowest unemployment rates in Europe at 2.7 percent in December.
View similar jobs with this employer Barista's Full or Part Time Columbus Coffee New Zealand This position could be full or part time and could have flexible hours over a 7-day roster period. On the job training will be provided, but a minimum of 1 year… ·More... Food/Beverage Atte...