Free IELTS speaking test sample. Practice IELTS speaking topics with answers. Get templates for IELTS speaking part 1, 2, & 3. Sign up to our 7-day free trial today!
A list of common topics and questions for IELTS speaking part 2. Speaking part 2 is called: “The Talk” A face to face talk with the examiner (3-4 minutes) You will be given a topic card (cue card). You will have 1 minute to prepare your talk and then you will need to speak ...
爱吃辣的加拿大大叔,雅思托福十多年一线教龄。微信公众号同名Describe a trip you were looking forward to but was delayed You should say: Where you planned to travel to Why you were looking forward to it Why it had to be delayed And explain how you felt about the experience 雅思口语Part 2高分...
Why do some people learn foreign languages faster than others? Do children learn languages better than adults? Do you think foreign language learner can speak as good as native speakers? Some people think that writing is easier than speaking, what do you think of it? PLUS Questions: Do people...
Today you’ll hear an IELTS sample Speaking Part 2 answer about a travel nightmare. Click here for a complete mock speaking test and examiner feedback. Remember,I was an examiner for 14 years, so all our strategies and advice comestraight from the IELTS Exam requirements!
IELTS Speaking Part 2 isn't a real discussion. After getting the topic card from an examiner, you prepare and then speak alone; the examiner won't interrupt your speaking. Unlike Part 1 and Part 3 that the examiner guides, Part 2 is by the candidate. ...
雅思口语part2考试,是进一步谈话和讨论,怎样才能在第二阶段有好的表现呢,小编就来帮大家解答一下吧! 一、应做的事 1.开始回答时,先表示自己对题目的看法; 2.您起码要想到至少两个值得讨论的要点; 3.在正式开始讲解前,先说明您会提到的要点; 4.对不认识的题目,您可尝试猜测。用“maybe”,“perhaps”等字会...
my name is Kara and in today's lesson we'll be looking at speaking part 1 of the IELTS. So first of all, you should note that in order to do well on the IELTS speaking parts, you will need to use a wide range of vocabulary to talk about various topics, such as food, travel, ...
1最新雅思口语Part2话题答案: a recent change of you 最近两年来,我经历了一次重大的改变。两年前,我对自己的状况感到相当满意。我在一所很好的大学学习,专攻一个有前途的领域,未来前景光明。然而,我没有高中时那么有动力。我会和室友们通宵玩电脑游戏,睡懒觉,上课迟到,甚至在上课时玩手机。尽管如此,我每个学期...
In part 2 of the speaking test, you might have to describe a place. There are several possible questions about places. For example: Describe a place you have visited. Describe a historic place. Describe a holiday. Describe a place you would like to visit. ...