Robert initially decided to marry his beloved in the Bengali style and hired a venue in Kolkata. Accordingly I reached Kolkata by a flight from Greece. I had to attend the ceremony as he insisted and sent me tickets for the travel. After landing in Kolkata, it took about over 30 hours f...
Do people in your country like to travel by boat? Will it get more popular in the future? Do you like bags? What types of bags do you like? Do you usually carry a bag (when you go out)? What types of bags do you use in your everyday life? What do you put in these bags?
and explain why you took the risk. Part 3 Questions: What risky things that Chinese parents do not let their children do? Why do some people take part in some sports that are more risky? Why do people enjoy watching risky films? 穿着新衣 Describe an occasion that you needed to wear yo...
1. How easy is it to travel around your country? 2. Which method of travel do you consider safest? Why? 3. Has travel become safer in recent years than that was in the past? 4. What are the pros and cons of low-cost air travel? Q. 1: How easy is it to travel around your ...
For example, everyday events, such as conversations about accommodation or shopping, or short talks giving practical information for daily living, travel arrangements, visiting a new city, visiting a new university campus or making arrangements to go out. This is usually a conversation between at ...
Low-cost airline travel is damaging the environment. Do you agree? Health Obesity is a growing problem around the world. Why is this? What can be done about it? Mental health problems are having a greater impact on people. Why is this? What solutions can you suggest?
Part 3 Why do you think tourism is so developed now? Well, because it is a lot easier to travel nowadays… you can choose charter flights and find various youth hostels all around the world, so you don’t need to spend much money on the travelling. Moreover, you can book a trip ...
Today you’ll hear an IELTS sample Speaking Part 2 answer about a travel nightmare. Click here for a complete mock speaking test and examiner feedback. Remember,I was an examiner for 14 years, so all our strategies and advice comestraight from the IELTS Exam requirements!
One skill that I would love to learn in the future is how to speak a second language, specifically Mandarin Chinese. As someone who is interested in global cultures and loves to travel, I believe that learning a new language like Mandarin Chinese would be incredibly valuable. ...
在雅思口语Part 1中,"旅行"(Travel)是一个常见的话题。这个主题涵盖了与旅行相关的各种问题,包括你最喜欢的旅行地点、旅行的理由、旅行时的喜好等等。以下是一些相关问题以及可能的回答示例: 雅思口语的旅行类话题有很多,以下是一些常见的旅行话题以及如何回答的建议: ...