原神UP主激励计划 科技 数码 自定义分辨率 科技鉴赏家 parsec-vdd VirtualDisplayDriver 串流 HDR 虚拟显示器 sunshine moonlight
Virtual-Display-Driver (HDR)1.10❌✅❌ virtual-display-rs1.5❌❌❌✅✅ parsec-vdd1.4✅✅❌✅🆗✅ ✅ - full support, 🆗 - limited support Signedmeans that the driver files have a valid digital signature.H-Cursormeans hardware cursor support, without it you will get...
Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights Additional navigation options Commits on Dec 31, 2023 add hdr, hardware cursor in comparison nomi-san committedDec 31, 2023 Commits on Dec 30, 2023 fix typo nomi-san committedDec 30, 2023
usbmmidd_v2 ✅ ❌ ❌ ❌ IddSampleDriver 1.2 ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌ RustDeskIddDriver 1.2 ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌ Virtual-Display-Driver (HDR) 1.10 ❌ ✅ ❌ virtual-display-rs 1.5 ❌ ❌ #81 ✅ ✅ parsec-vdd 1.4 ✅ ✅ ❌ ✅ 🆗 ✅✅... 原神UP主激励计划 科技 数码 自定义分辨率 科技鉴赏家 parsec-vdd VirtualDisplayDriver 串流 虚拟显示器 HDR sunshine moonlight 2024年汽车区年度爆款大放送