本项目基于ParsecVDD的基础构建,并利用了位于https://github.com/nomi-san/parsec-vdd的存储库,使用EasyVirtual Display变得更简单了,不需要配置相关命令就能直接使用了,特别适合傻瓜式使用 详细安装使用方法(首次启动务必先安装驱动!!!) 1.下载应用程序。 https://github.com/KtzeAbyss/Easy-Virtual-Display/releases...
Try adding this to ENV file in your documents folder under Houdini , it worked for me.HOUDINI_USE_HFS_OCL = 0You have perfectly solved my problem. Thank you very much. I used Parsec Virtual Display. When I remotely controled Houdini, the program crashed. But after I added this line of...
作者在项目介绍做了一个软件对比,事实上对于 VirtualDisplayDriver 的介绍还没有更新,VirtualDisplayDriver 已经完胜 Parsec-vdd。 VirtualDisplayDriver 对于各个虚拟显示器的评价更为准确,可以看出 VirtualDisplayDriver 在各项指标上全面领先:HDR支持、H-Cursor(光标同步)、可以开机自动运行创建显示器。 所以我目前已经换...
所以不得不说最强虚拟显示器软件易主,最强当属VirtualDisplayDriver。 Parsec-vdd 的官方地址为:https://github.com/nomi-san/parsec-vdd Parsec-vdd 作者目前基本处于断更状态,一个核心功能至今未完成(初始化没有其他显示器,则程序无法运行)。需要借助另一个项目 Parsec-vdd-Cli 才能正常使用。作者在项目介绍做了...
C:\Program Files\Parsec Virtual Display Driver\driver\mm.dll C:\Program Files\Parsec\vdd\mm.dll C:\Program Files\Security Revisor 2.0 for Windows Servers Trial\mm.dll 更新文件信息 AutoUpdateUtil.dll Bull140U.dll cefbrowser.dll ChromeNativeMessagingHost.exe ...
parsec-vdd-v0.41 Placevddswitcher.exeandvddswitcherd.exein your preferred location. For first-time use, you need to configure the virtual desktop as the main display: Right-click the Windows icon - Run - EntercmdIn the opened cmd window, type ...
parsec-vdd-v0.41(recommended) 使用 parsec-vdd-cli.exe [-a] -a add a virtual display at startup. 使用-a启动参数启动时将自动增加一个虚拟显示屏,当前代码虚拟显示屏上限8个。 可使用bat脚本启动 parsec-vdd-cli.bat @echo off parsec-vdd-cli.exe -a ...
-Installed Parsec (with/without virtual display driver) and TightVNC for remote connection -Apps which should use iGPU must be set in Windows graphics settings. -Standard RDP connection works always and create it's own temporary GPU device. -VNC can connect to VM but not when...
Ho**pm 上传5.24 KB 文件格式 zip easy-to-use headless-display lightweight-tool parsec privacy-tools vdd virtual-desktop virtual-display Effortlessly create virtual displays in Windows, capable of supporting various resolutions and refresh rates, suitable for remote control or graphics card spoofing.在...
Use theAdd-VMGpuPartitionAdaptercmdlet to pass through the video adapter from the host to the VM. Copy the drivers for the graphics card from the Hyper-V host to a virtual machine using theEasy-GPU-PVscript (https://github.com/jamesstringerparsec/Easy-GPU-PV). ...