在JCL 中,EXEC陳述式的PARM參數通常不能超過 100 個字元。對於「企業 PL/I」、「企業 COBOL」和 z/OS C/C++,您可以在行內提供選項,就能在EXEC陳述式的PARM參數中,指定 100 個以上的字元。 若為「企業 PL/I」編譯器步驟, 使用者建置產生的 JCL 會包含PARM='+DD:OPTIONS', 如下列範例程式碼所示。 //...
Many values are available in the IPTPRT JCL for the PARM= parameter that allow you to change the contents of the IPTPRT report to your specific needs. The following shows the syntax for the PARM= parameter and describes the values.
The reason "The compiler recognizes only the first 100 characters in the list." is that this is the way the PARM operand works. See section 16.8.1, "Syntax" under section 16.8, "PARM Parameter" in z/OS V1R7.0-V1R8.0 MVS JCL Reference where you will find the following: <quote> Len...
The reason "The compiler recognizes only the first 100 characters in the list." is that this is the way the PARM operand works. See section 16.8.1, "Syntax" under section 16.8, "PARM Parameter" in z/OS V1R7.0-V1R8.0 MVS JCL Reference where you will find the following: --- For I...
COBOL Programming: Hi, I am trying to pass a parameter to COBOL using PARM parameter as shown below. But the values are not getting passed...
Directs IQIBUTIL to generate a control statement, specify this parameter to make the control statement perform a MAPPDS operation. MAXRC=n When running multiple utility operations, you may set a limit for an acceptable utility step return code. If this limit is reached, all remaining operations...
When you invoke DFSORT with JCL, you can specify some DFSORT options on the PARM parameter of the EXEC statement as illustrated on the following page. These options include EFS, LIST, NOLIST, LISTX, NOLISTX, MSGPRT, and MSGDDN, which are ignored if specified in an OPTION statement in ...
這是 PARMGEN 批次工作及產品起始作業所需的儲存體值 (以 KB 或 MB 為單位)。 工作在 EXEC 陳述式中包含 REGION= 參數。 The syntax of the JCL REGION parameter is either &valueK or &valueM. 視您安裝的需要變更此值。 指定 K/M 字尾 (ex.: 4096K, 0M). 預設值為 0M。
In PARMGEN, review the KC2_HS* table parameter rows in the RTE's WCONFIG(%RTE_NAME%) LPAR RTE profile to enable the allocation of the ONDV task history VSAM LDS %RTE_VSAM_HILEV%.%RTE_NAME%.%KC2_HSnn_CICS_REGION%.RKC2HIST ...
This global parameter is for the entire system. KN3_TCPXnn_OVRD_ZERT This parameter determines whether to override the global collection setting for z/OS Encryption Readiness Technology (zERT) for this TCP/IP address space. IBM Z OMEGAMON Integration Monitor Resolve a syntax error generated in ...