<!--[if !supportLists]-->l一个instream中不能再定义一个instream procedure(不能嵌套定义instream procedure)。<!--[endif]--> <!--[if !supportLists]-->l Jcl中动态改写exec语句的内容。格式:PARAMETER.PROCSTEPNAME=VALUE<!--[endif]--> 000111 //PROC1 PROC 000112 //STEPA1 EXEC PGM=HELLO,TI...
l 一个instream中不能再定义一个instream procedure(不能嵌套定义instream procedure)。 l Jcl中动态改写 exec 语句的内容。格式: PARAMETER.PROCSTEPNAME=VALUE 000111 //PROC1 PROC 000112 //STEPA1 EXEC PGM=HELLO,TIME=(1,30) 000113 // PEND
FYI: any JCL procedure may include multiple job steps. BTW: do you know that the parameter COND specifies the conditionto skipthe job step where it is used, notto allowits execution? thank you. //STEP444 EXEC PGM=ICEGENER,COND=(2,EQ,CHECK1.PASO01) ...
JCL & VSAM: I had a doubt on cond parameter.I was totally confused on that. 1.If I code cond=(4,lt) whether it checks previous step's rc...