On March 12, 2009, the Canadian Government passes Bill C-10, an Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on January (...)Karounga Diawara
theamendmentstheCanadiangovernmentshadagreed uponin theformof a newConstitutionAct.Ordinarily,theroyal visit that accompanied this event would have beensuccessfulindiverting Canadians' attention from more mundane politicalconcerns. However,theoccasionwasmarredby thecontinued oppositionofQuebec'sgovernmentto the...
summarised here. She concludes that there is significant cause for concern, and that standards actually worsened under Rishi Sunak, once the Brexit and Covid crises were over. To reverse the decline, both government and parliament need to act. ...
“Blocking is something that I think irritates the local people, the grassroots people. The unintended consequences here of this move, I don’t think is a way to negotiate and I think it’s a mistake on your part,” Shields said to Sabrina Geremia, the head of Google Canada. Article ...
That more time should be allowed for Stage 1 inquiries, including at least six to eight weeks for the submission of written evidence on any substantial Bill. That there should be an extra week between Stage 1 and Stage 2 to allow for the preparation of amendments. ...
Non-taxability of the Canada carbon rebate for CCPCs. Other measures and technical amendments that affect corporations, trusts, and individuals. Recently-announced tax measures that are already law Previously announced measures that have already received Royal Assent include: ...
Dominic Laporte, chief executive officer of Public Services and Procurement Canada’s Translation Bureau, said that the current interpretation resources permit a total of 160 hours of English or French translation. He recognized there have been some difficult choices to make when committee meetings are...
42 of 1987 lacks precise definitions regarding the responsibilities of provincial council ministers, their secretaries, and other officials. As a result, misunderstandings, issues, and confusion can arise. To address this, amendments should be made to the Provincial Council Act, specifying their powers...
Proposed amendments to the Workplace Relations Amendment (Work Choices) Bill 2005 / Andrews, K (2005c) Explanatory Memorandum: Workplace Relations Amendment (Work Choices) Bill 2005, House of Representatives, Parliament of the Commonwealth ......
No consensus was sought in that exercise but relied entirely on the Constitutional powers disregarding all ethical and just issues associated as unhealthy consequences of that dissolution. Constitution of Sri Lanka before and after all the amendments clearly provided the powers to the President to ...