interpellation - (parliament) a parliamentary procedure of demanding that a government official explain some act or policy law-makers, legislative assembly, legislative body, legislature, general assembly - persons who make or amend or repeal laws British Parliament - the British legislative body Knesset...
Parliament plays no role in this process, unlike in some other countries, including Canada. It is an accepted part of the prerogative powers of the Prime Minister to create and wind up departments of state, constrained only by thestatutory limiton the numbers of those paid as Cabinet ministers...
Protect Canadian unity 'through the protection of its media,' industry execs say The coalition wants the feds to help the industry by closing what it describes as a loophole in the Income Tax Act 27 minutes ago Canada Trump orders ’pause’ on all U.S. aid to Ukraine after Zelenskyy...
Details activities related to the administration of this act, which governs pension arrangements for members of the House of Commons and senators, as well as survivor allowances for eligible spouses and children. After a summary of the pension plan's main provisions, the report presents information...
MPs elected the chairs of most House of Commons select committees in September. Oneexcellent summary of those electionshas raised the interesting prospect that they may have become more competitive over time. This matters, because select committee chairs are influential and prominent figures, with a ...
Library of Parliament, (7 July 2010). Notes of Fixed-date election legislation in Canada and Reduction of the size of legislatures in the provincesLibrary of Parliament, 2010. Legislative Summary, 40-3-C11-E. "Legislative Summary of Bill C-11: An Act to a...
The article reports that Canada is considering formerly shutting down Parliament for two months at the end of every year. The author discusses how the Conservative Party's prorogation of Parliament suggests that Parliament does not matter as much as it once did. The author believes that the Canad...
However, our Committee has asked the Minister to consider and act on our recommendations before we debate the detail of the Bill at Stage 2 . We have made a number of recommendations which we believe would improve the Bill, and have asked him to investigate and clarify several issues. The ...
PremiumMember of ParliamentUnited KingdomCanada 320 Words 2 Pages Satisfactory Essays Read More Comparison of British Parliament and American Congress the CRS WebParliamentand Congress: A Brief Comparison of the British House of Commons and the U.S. House of Representatives Updated May 19‚ 2005 ...
The High Court of Australia summary noted: 'On 15 August 2012 the High Court made orders in two matters concerning the Tobacco Plain Packaging Act 2011 (Cth) ("the Act"). Today the High Court delivered its reasons in those matters. A majority of the High Court held that the Act was ...