Parks and Recreation This political sitcom full of humor and heart follows the adventures of Leslie Knope, deputy director of the Parks Department in the fictional town of Pawnee, Indiana. Every week holds a new crisis of small-town politics, but Leslie and her friends work tirelessly to ma...
文档标签: 中英文对照 系统标签: 公园 parks 中英文 剧本 recreation hearts Hey.我打扰了什么国家大事吗Aminterruptingsomethingimportant?不可能啊我为政♥府♥工作Impossible.government.我刚刚把姑娘们接来了觉得我们该过来转转justpickedupgirls.Thoughtwe'dstop姑娘们怎么...Howgirls...是的她们来了你们好啊女孩...
文档标签: 中英文对照 系统标签: 公园 中英文 hearts 剧本 recreation parks 所以他们在给停车场的线重新喷漆时So,whiletheyre-paintthelinesintheparkinglot,我们请求所有人停在路边we'reaskingeveryonetodostreetparking.我不会把我的奔驰停在路边的I'mnotstreetparkingmyMercedes.呃所有人都这样我也是这样啊Well,ev...
Parks and Recreation Wiki is a community site that anyone can contribute to, about the TV series airing on NBC starring Amy Poehler and Rashida Jones
Parks and Recreation《公园与游憩(2009)》第五季第二十二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,好了 各位 看看你们的文件夹里 Okay, everyone. Look in your folders. 你们会找到关于创立者周的信息 You will find information about founder's week. 而在我们开始头脑风暴之
Parks and Recreation《公园与游憩(2009)》第三季第九集完整中英文对照剧本.docx 所以他们在给停车场的线重新喷漆时 So,whiletheyre-paintthelinesintheparkinglot, 我们请求所有人停在路边 wereaskingeveryonetodostreetparking. 我不会把我的奔驰停在路边的 ...
Parks and Recreation《公园与游憩(2009)》第一季第五集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,像Pawnee这样古老的镇子 In a town as old as Pawnee, 每一寸土地都充满了历史 theres a lot of history in every acre. 这片木丛是 一起谋杀的地点 This wooded area is the site of, um,
Parks and Recreation《公园与游憩(2009)》第四季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,《公园与游憩》 前情提要 打扰了 Excuse me. 你是Leslie Knope吗 - 是的 Are you Leslie Knope? - Yes. 我们团队致力于寻找 We are part of a group that tries to identify 镇上政界的潜在
Full STEAM (Science,Technology,Engineering,Art, andMath) ahead! Campers will develop a diverse skill set and a passion for exploration and growth as we think outside the box this summer. Imagination and creativity will run wild each week as we get hands-on with the weekly themes. ...