Come “Chalk the Walk” with the Minot Park District and award-winning chalk artist Dawn Dewitt, for the final event of our national parks and rec month. We will be decorating the path that runs from the parking lot to the amphitheater with chalk...
ParksandRec. 确认什么 Confirmingwhat? 那不可能 That'snotpossible. 哦不 Oh,no! 嘿早上好 Hey!Goodmorning. 为什么外面有六个人说等着要见我 Whyaretheresixpeopleoutsidewhosaythey'rewaitingtomeetwithme? 所以你知道你爱我是因为 So,youknowhowyoulovemebecause ...
Wecanandwewill,becausewhenweusedtoworkhere, 帮助人们就是我们的工作 helpingpeoplewasourjob. 忘掉那些老故事吧 Forgetabouttheseoldstories. 我们来创造个新的我们来修这架秋千 Letsmakeanewone.Letsfixthisswing. 公园与娱乐帮的最后一程谁要加入 OnelastridefortheParksandRecgang.Whosin? 行啊 eah! *投票是...
CantheParksandRecpeoplehangbackforasecond? 这些坚果的故事是...它们是混合的 Thestoryofthesenutsis...theyremixed. Hapley先生你好 Mr.Hapley,hi. 我的名字是CraigMiddlebrooks我是你的铁粉 MynamesCraigMiddlebrooks.Imahugefan! 我在Tom的小酒馆工作那是一家很好的餐厅 ...
ParksandRec. 确认什么 Confirmingwhat? 那不可能 Thatsnotpossible. 哦不 Oh,no! 嘿早上好 Hey!Goodmorning. 为什么外面有六个人说等着要见我 Whyaretheresixpeopleoutsidewhosaytheyrewaitingtomeetwithme? 所以你知道你爱我是因为 So,youknowhowyoulovemebecause ...
ThetimeIhavespentatParksandRec 是我在政hearts;府hearts;这的工作中最开心的日子 havebeenthehappiestdaysofmylifehereinthegovernment. 我知道所有人都这么说我真心希望我们能保持联hearts;系hearts; AndIknoweveryonesaysit,butIsincerelyhopethatwestayintouch. 现在他妈发生了啥啊 Whatthefuckishappeningrightnow? 今...
We wanted to let every parks and recreation professional know that we are thankful for all the hard work you do, not just the month of July, but every month. Without you and the incredible work done to take care of your communities and ensure high-quality parks and rec services and pro...
Rededicate a Park: Celebrate Parks and Recreation Month. (Rec Room)The National Recreation and Park and Association is joining Americans for Our Heritage and Recreation (AHR) in a salute to and celebration of America's community parks. Rededicating a park is a great way to call public ...
Celebrate Park & Rec Month with a Roanoke Summer Bucket List! 20 Jun Freedom Festival and Fireworks planned for July 5 in celebration of Independence Day 10 Jun Ribbon Cutting Planned for New Section of Tinker Creek Greenway and Updated Park Amenities ...