Oracle data dump import failing with below errors:ORA-02298: cannot validate (<SchemaName>.R_152) - parent keys not foundFailing sql is:ALTER TABLE "<SchemaName>"."PF_CONTEXTSTATEHISTORY" ADD CONSTRAINT "R_152" FOREIGN KEY ("CONTEXTID", "CONTEXTREVISIONNUMBER") REFERENCES "<SchemaName>"....
CREATE TABLE testa(autoid NUMBER,expressionid NUMBER,aaa VARCHAR2(20));CREATE TABLE testb(autoid NUMBER,taskid NUMBER,bbb VARCHAR2(20));alter table TESTA add constraint testa_u1 primary key (AUTOID);alter table TESTB add constraint testb_u1 primary key (AUTOID);alter table TES...
This is a typical Oracle error and normally the problem can be resolved by adding a parent record as specified in the error message. But, in this case, the parent record already exists; therefore, I believe, something is going on behind the scene and I have exh...
java.sql.BatchUpdateException: ORA-02291: integrity constraint (GLOGOWNER.FK_GTLQ_GTM_QUANTITY_TYPE_GID) violated - parent key not found at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwBatchUpdateException( at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeBatch(OraclePreparedStatement.j...
然后使用如下语句,尝试插入两行数据,这两行数据汇总起来,是符合外键关联关系的:insert into self_f_key select 1,2 from dual union all select 2,1 from dual; 但是yashandb插入失败: 问题的风险及影响 影响正常的业务处理流程,同样的建表语句,同样的insert,可以在oracle中正常执行: ...
violated - parent key not found 如果试图从父表中删除已经有依赖子行的一行,数据库就会返回ORA-02292错误。例如,如果试图删除 product_types表中 product_type_id列为1的行,数据库就会返回ORA-02292错误,因为products表中包含了 product_type_id列等于1的行: ...
传统的Oracle DBA都会把SQL解析问题看的很严重,这实际上是来自于早年的DBA对共享池问题的恐惧。实际上...
问题现象 使用如下的sql语句创建自关联外键表: drop table self_f_key; create table self_f_key(t1 number primary key not null, t2 number); create index i_s_1 on self_f_key(t
This collection of topics is intended for developers and users who require an in depth knowledge of the directory server architecture. Reading these topics is not mandatory for an understanding of how to use the directory server. Rather, the topics provi