ORA-02298: cannot validate (TEST.FK_AN_ID) - parent keys not found Failing sql is: ALTER TABLE "TEST"."ROWER_INFO" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_AN_ID" FOREIGN KEY ("LOAN_ID") REFERENCES "TEST"."AN_REQUEST" ("ID") ENABLE 原因: 表ROWER_INFO里,有外键连接到另一个表AN_REQUEST的主键, 在表RO...
Oracle Life Sciences InForm - Version 4.6.0 and later: Oracle Data Import Failing With Error: ORA-02298: cannot validate (<SchemaName>.R_152) - parent keys not found
There are two “Parent keys not found error” , so we generate two causes :delete from EMPLOYEE_SCHED_DTL a where not exists ( select 1 from EMPLOYEE_SCHEDULE b where b.EMPSKD_ID=a.EMPSKD_ID);delete from EMP_SCHD_DTL_LAYER a where not exists ( select 1 from EMPLOYE...
SQL> alter table OWNER.TABLE_NAME ENABLE constraint OWNER.CONSTRAINT_NAME; alter table OWNER.TABLE_NAME ENABLE constraint OWNER.CONSTRAINT_NAME * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02298: cannot validate (OWNER. CONSTRAINT_NAME) - parent keys not found ...
DBGSQL: error: ORA-02298: cannot validate (<schema_owner>.ROUT_F3) - parent keys not found (krmkosqlerr) 1. 2. 3. 4. ORA-02298 here means that we found SITE_KEY in child ROUT table which is not present in parent table NODE. Below query can be run to identify such rows ...
ORA-02298: cannot validate (WORKBRAIN.FK_ESCHDL_EMPSKDID) - parent keys not found Import terminated successfully with warnings.“原因:你要插入的表A里,有外键连接到另一个表B的主键, 你在表A的外键列插入的值 在表B的主键列找不到就不能插入。这往往由于表在不同的时间点导出,主表中...
ORA-02298: cannot validate (WORKBRAIN.FK_ESCHDL_EMPSKDID) - parent keys not found Import terminated successfully with warnings.“原因:你要插入的表A里,有外键连接到另一个表B的主键, 你在表A的外键列插入的值 在表B的主键列找不到就不能插入。这往往由于表在不同的时间点导出,主表中...