Paraphrasing ANSWERS Paraphrases these six sentences Smith et al., (2010) state that ‘human activities can also change the climate.’ Peterson et al., (2010) point out that ‘climate is controlled by the long term balance of energy of the earth and its atmosphere.’ Smith et al., (...
This lesson focuses on IELTS vocabulary and paraphrasing problems. Many students try so hard to paraphrase a word that they are actually making too many mistakes which will lower their band score. This lesson explains how to be careful with paraphrasing and avoid losing marks. Reply Blessingsays ...
done in groups of two, often finishes with asking if students agree or disagree with the specific proverb or quotation. Of course, students have to give a reason and/or an example to support their answers. ESL tutors and English teachers lucky to have small...
ParaphrasingExercises 1)‘TheAntarcticisthevastsourceofcoldonourplanet,justasthesunisthesourceofourheat,anditexertstremendouscontrolonourclimate,’JacquesCousteautoldthecamera.‘ThecoldoceanwateraroundAntarcticaflowsnorthtomixwithwarmerwaterfromthetropics,anditsupswellingshelptocool P.E.boththesurfacewaterandour...
What techniques or exercises do you use to improve paraphrasing skills? For more materials, check out ourStudying English activity collection($4.99) fromCreating Compelling Conversations! Ask more. Know more. Share more. CreateCompelling Conversations. ...