The basis for our specific paraphrasing method is word alignment learned from parallel corpora which we create from the available data in the CREG corpus (Corpus for Reading Comprehension Exercises for German). We show the usefulness of this kind of information for the task of short answer ...
( places of ) physical exercises 3. Ihad this brought home to meone summer when we were driving across Maine and stopped for coffee in one of those endless zones of shopping malls, motels, gas stations and fast-food places. was made to realize this 4. I noticed there was a bookstore...
(placesof)physicalexercises 3.Ihadthisbroughthometomeonesummerwhenweweredrivingacross Maineandstoppedforcoffeeinoneofthoseendlesszonesofshoppingmalls, motels,gasstationsandfast-foodplaces. wasmadetorealizethis 4.Inoticedtherewasabookstoreacrossthestreet,soIdecidedtoskipcoffee ...