Melanie Klein (1946) hat sie als eine psychische Organisation beschrieben, die von Geburt an besteht und das psychische Erleben der ersten sechs Lebensmonate dominiert. Vernichtungsängste, → Abwehrmechanismen, strenge, undifferenzierte äußerungen des →überich und vorwiegend Teilobjekt-...
This article presents a theoretical framework for understanding heroin addiction, which is based on Melanie Klein's developmental theory, as it pertains to primary mental states. Its main premise is that Klein's paranoid-schizoid position has many similarities to active drug addiction, and that ...
This greed is bound with anxieties of loss, envy, and guilt, all experienced within the paranoid-schizoid position. These patients rely heavily on the defenses of splitting and projective identification, which are used to maintain the phantasy of an ideal object or an ideal self. Some patients ...
generally occur in the paranoid±schizoid position, whereas encounters with Becoming and development occur within the depre 如果我们使用Melanie Klein的 (1946种) 公式化她的二个基本的位置, paranoid±schizoid和压抑,我们说自恋的畸变与遭遇是相关在paranoid±schizoid位置一般发生,而遭遇以成为和发展在压抑位置...
Steiner, J. (1979), "The border between the paranoid-schizoid and the depressive position in the borderline `patient'", British Journal of Medical Psychology, Vol. 52, pp. 385-391.Steiner, J. The border between the paranoid-schizoid and the depressive position in the borderline patient. ...
As Melanie Klein has pointed out, these strong cycles of greed and envy cause even greater levels of persecutory fear. Case material is used for illustration.Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review (Wiley-Blackwell)WaskaRobertWaska, R. 2003. `Greed, idealization and the paranoid-schizoid experience of ...
KleinLacanThis article draws on the psychoanalyst Melanie Klein's 'paranoid-schizoid position' to discuss some exemplary social media posts about the coronavirus. I argue that posts often express experiences, thoughts, and fantasies in a schematic manner. They reproduce a paranoid-schizoid logic by ...