Hi, I am trying create verilog module that can support parameterized instance name. I understand that the signal width and other such things can
One of the shortcomings of Verilog is the inability to generate ports. So you have to bring the input in as a bus. I haven't compiled this so there may be errors: module mux (#parameter WIDTH = 8, # parameter CHANNELS = 4) ( input in_bus, input sel, output out ); genvar ...
This example shows how to instantiate an LPM function in Verilog HDL. In this case, an LPM_COUNTER is instantiated using the aclr, clock, and q ports.
You can use the same parameterized adder as a 5-bit adder in one place and as a 64-bit adder elsewhere. Parameters are often used to describe the word size of a module, the number of words in a memory, or even delays. Delays are more commonly set up with a specify block that can...
Parameterized macro definition (PMD) is something new in Verilog LRM2.0, although it has been there in other languages like C from the beginning. In a PMD, the definition of a macro contains zero or more parameters. An example of a PMD is shown below. ...
Approved Project Sponsor Date Design of a Parameterized Verilog Framework MSEE Project Proposal by John Doe Approved Project Sponsor Date Graduate Committee: Signatures Date Professor Rangaiya Rao Professor Richard Duda Professor Peter Reischl Professor Belle Wei Graduate Coordinator:Professor Belle Wei ...
The SystemVerilog UVM code determines the timing of the DPI calls. For example, in the PulseDetector SystemVerilog module: The "initialize" DPI call is triggered by an "initial" code block. The "terminate" DPI call is triggered by a "final" code block. ...
The blue-crc is based on Bluespec SystemVerilog hardware description language, so for designers using BSV, CRC module can be used directly through instantiation. Detailed steps required to use it are as follows: Get source codes: blue-crc uses the AXI-Stream interface provided by the blue-wrap...
(since early days of Verilog) and there is nothing new in it from SystemVerilog perspective. What is new, however, is the case when one of the ports in a module is an interface. In such a case, each signal in the interface becomes an available terminal, with the default direction as ...
typedef in.__payload __payload; Within the scope of the module "sub_1", type "__payload" is NOT explictly defined. You're attempting to pull the definition from the within the interface that is passed to that module. While this is legal verilog, ...