In HDL parameters tab I can choose between several types for my parameters: string, integer, boolean, std_logic, logic vector, natural, or positiv. If I try to change the parameter type, the component editor hangs, and I have to close it. Also there is no des...
in aedt 05:36 12. how to import veriloga model 05:31 13. how to link parameterized s parameter model in schematic 06:32 14. how to reorder components in favorites in schematic 03:32 15. how to run de-embedding to get dut model 04:21 17. how to simulate mipi cphy and check eye...
How to Perform Statistical Analysis in AEDT Circuit Design 05:13 09. How to Perform Sensitivity Analysis in Circuit Design 04:29 10. How to Make TDR Sweep of DQ nets Efficiently in AEDT 05:36 12. How to Import VerilogA Model 05:31 13. How to Link Parameterized S Parameter Model in ...
How to Make TDR Sweep of DQ nets Efficiently in AEDT 05:36 12. How to Import VerilogA Model 05:31 13. How to Link Parameterized S Parameter Model in Schematic 06:32 14. How to Reorder Components in Favorites in Schematic 03:32 15. How to Run De-embedding to Get DUT Model 04:21 ...
How to Perform Statistical Analysis in AEDT Circuit Design 05:13 09. How to Perform Sensitivity Analysis in Circuit Design 04:29 10. How to Make TDR Sweep of DQ nets Efficiently in AEDT 05:36 12. How to Import VerilogA Model 05:31 13. How to Link Parameterized S Parameter Model in ...
In my analog testbench, I have a Verilog-A block which is using an integer parameter. This parameter is set in the testbench via a variable in my Maestro view. Now
I created a Simple Dual Port BRAM by reading the Vivado Design Suite User Guide Synthesis. The main difference was that a separatealwaysblock was used to write to and read from BRAM. So, I did the same. module imfilter #(parameter D_BITS = 8, // RAM WIDTH N = 400) // RAM DEPTH...
So instead, I want to try to access the outputs from multiple instances of the redudant logic, and just make a dummy output purely to keep the optimization out of the way. Here is what I did: parameter NUM_OF_DANGLING_LOADS=5; dff1 dummy_reg[NUM_OF_DANGLING_...
04/14/2024 how can i use a verilog hdl header file that contains only parameter values? description resolution environment bug id: na quartus edition intel® quartus® prime design software version found: 22.1 description use the`includedirective to include all your header files within the ...
I can't quite read the examples you posted. In any case, we're using Parameterized SystemVerilog interfaces now in Vivado. We're still tweaking our use-cases - the latest release of Vivado (2015.3) is supposed to include some better support.