With this statement, you are instructing the SAP system to process function module calls in parallel. Typically, you’ll place this keyword in a loop in which will divide up the data that is to be processed into work packets. Calling program is continued using the statementCALL FUNCTION, as ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, I need to update huge amount (around 3 million) of data in parallel process and fetch cursor is giving dump because of database commit during parallel process. I can not take whole data at once in internal table hence need to use fetch next cursor...
If you have nested loop, make sure you follow parallel cursor approach as mentioned in SE30 tips and tricks. Hope it helps. Reply Former Member In response to Former Member 2008 Sep 24 10:47 PM 0 Kudos 441 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Thanks. Can you please give me ...
or in the case of the background job, calls commit work explicitely. For this reason each task should encapsulate one logical unit of work (LUW). These can never be used to iterate over an open DB cursor as it will be lost when switching. ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Testing and Analysis Hello Fernando, thank you for the answer. I have 20 different jobs and each job needs it's own cursor because each job has its own interval(range) for the select. Example: Job 1: Interval 1-10 Job 2: Interval 11-20 Job 3: Interval 21-...