因为我OPEN CURSOR时候没有指定任何条件,所以在OPEN CURSOR时,DB把整个product表的所有记录视为一个结果集,然后只返回指定package size的条数。 所以ST05里面看到的这个Recs是指满足OPEN CURSOR 指定条件的记录的个数,并不是最后返回给ABAP层的记录的个数。 而在我的测试系统里,表COMM_PRODUCT总共就包含1447条记录。
SAP ABAP OO ALV全屏显示 通过CL_GUI_SPLITTER_CONTAINER拆分容器,实现OO ALV全屏幕显示。 1.创建屏幕0100 . 代码实现如下: MODULE STATUS_0100 OUTPUT. SET PF-STATUS 'STATUS_0100'. SET TITLEBAR 'TI... springcloud服务网关 1.服务网关的作用: 如果没有服务网关所有的客户端请求会和每个服务打交道,有了...
在SELECT语句中,数据从数据库中以32KB的数据包传递至应用服务器中,并通过INTO子句传至ABAP中,Open SQL中提供了一套语句对数据的具体传输过程进行监测,这个监测通过操作数据库光标进行,使用光标几乎可以从任何SELECT语句的结果集中获得下一行,先用OPEN CURSOR语句将光标与相关的SELECT语句连接起来。 OPEN CURSOR [WITH HO...
The cursor used in a FETCH or CLOSE CURSOR command is not open. It was either not yet open or has already been closed. You can close the cursor explicitly with the CLOSE CURSOR command, implicitly with the COMMIT WORK command, or with a screen change. And below i have attached the code...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi All, What is the exact purpose of OPEN CURSOR & FETCH NEXT CURSOR? What should happen for below code. IF NOT l_use_fae IS INITIAL. OPEN CURSOR WITH HOLD viqmelst_cursor FOR SELECT * FROM viqmelst WHERE qmnum IN r_qmnum AND qmart IN r_qmar...
to add new functionality please cover it with unit tests appropriately open-abap-guiSAP GUI related classes/functionality open-abap-odataOData/Gateway shims open-abap-balBAL logging shims-rfcShims for tRFC + qRFC + bgRFC Contributors11 Languages ABAP99.8% JavaScript0.2%...
Attempt to open a database cursor which was already open. What happened? Error in the ABAP Application Program The current ABAP program "SAPLBWOMR" had to be terminated because it has come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed. What can you do? Note down which actions and...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development OPEN DATASET, is to open a file in application server. We can open a file in application server to READ or WRITE or APPEND data. Below extract the documenation can easily help you understand the same: OPEN DATASET Basic form 1 OPEN DATASET dsn. Ext...
公众号:matinal 本文作者:matinal 原文出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/SAPmatinal/ 原文链接:SAP ABAP7.5x系列之OPEN SQL 前言部分 当使用CDS实体的名称作为数据源访问SELECT中的CDS视图时,此视图在其SELECT列表中发布关联
SAP ABAP 获取采购订单行项目OPEN数量的方法 如下采购订单,订购数量15500 EA,已收货数量5500 EA。 如果ABAP顾问想知道该采购订单行项目的OPEN数量,方法如下: 方法1,通过FM#MB_ADD_PURCHASE_ORDER_QUANTITY 2…