A paradox is used in literature when a writer brings together contrasting and contradictory elements that reveal a deeper truth. This may be a piece of unexpected information, or something that would otherwise have remained hidden had not the paradox asserted itself. A paradox is usually something...
These literary terms, however, have very distinct meanings and uses. What Are Some Examples of Paradox in Literature? While paradoxes are tricky to use, lots of authors have given it a try. Both logical paradoxes and literary paradoxes appear often in literature. Let's look at some classic e...
Paradox in Literature Lesson Plan Lesson Transcript Instructors Whittney Tomczyk View bio Angela Janovsky View bio What is a paradox? Learn the paradox definition, paradox literary definition, paradox poetry definition and paradox figure of speech. See paradox examples.Updated: 11/21/2023 ...
Define paradox. paradox synonyms, paradox pronunciation, paradox translation, English dictionary definition of paradox. n. 1. A statement that seems to contradict itself but may nonetheless be true: the paradox that standing is more tiring than walking.
Youtube explanation: this video offers a thorough and clear definition of paradox, with helpful literary examples. Cite This Page Get LitCharts Get this guide to Paradox as an easy-to-print PDF Download Get a quick-reference PDF with concise definitions of all 136 Lit Terms we cover....
Define Paradoxides. Paradoxides synonyms, Paradoxides pronunciation, Paradoxides translation, English dictionary definition of Paradoxides. n. 1. A genus of large trilobites characteristic of the primordial formations. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictio
There are many great literary devices that rely on opposition to create an effect on the reader. Some closely related terms are: Antithesis:Using two things that are opposites but do not contradict one another. “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”—Neil Armstrong...
Over the years, the meaning of paradox has somewhat changed. This excerpt fromA Dictionary of Literary Termstells how. "Originally aparadoxwas merely a view which contradicted accepted opinion. By round about the middle of the 16th c. the word had acquired the commonly accepted meaning it now...
1(=situation) 自相矛盾zìxiāng máodùn 2(=statement) 反论(論)fǎnlùn 在这些条目还发现'paradox': 在英文解释里: antinomy-catch 22-oxymoron 在单词列表中:Literature,c2 THINKING AND SPEAKING,更多…… 同义词:contradiction,contradiction in terms,oxymoron,Catch-22,self-contradiction,更多…… ...
Definition. A paradox is arhetorical device that is made up of two opposite things and seems impossible or untrue but is actually possible or true. ... Finally, a paradox can be a statement that seems to say two opposite things and yet is still true. ...