1Paradox Definition 2Common Examples of Paradoxes 3Examples of Paradoxes in Literature 4Why Do Writers Use Paradoxes? 5Related Literary Terms 6Other Resources ParadoxDefinition A paradox is something that seems impossible and contradictory at first but, upon closer analysis, makes sense. It can even...
American Rhetoric: this site catalogues examples of literary devices like paradox in famous speeches from history, and even provides free audio clips of the speakers in action. Youtube explanation: this video offers a thorough and clear definition of paradox, with helpful literary examples. Cite ...
The story contains several larger, thematic literary paradoxes as well. For example, the narrator's key aim is to stop himself from committing an act of terrorism and killing himself, but the main barrier to him doing this is himself. "I must be cruel only to be kind." Shakespeare used ...
Examples of paradoxes can be found in everyday expressions, literature, and academic domains such as logic and philosophy. Table of contents What is a paradox? Logical paradox Literary paradox Time paradoxes Frequently asked questions about paradoxes What is a paradox? A paradox is a self-contradic...
Definition of Paradox When used as a literary device, a paradox is the juxtaposition of a set of seemingly contradictory concepts that reveal a hidden and/or unexpected truth. The paradox may be hard or even impossible to believe, yet usually the contradiction can be reconciled if the reader ...
“The most corrected copies are commonly the least correct,” is an earlier literary example. InGeorge Orwell’s anti-utopian satireAnimal Farm(1945), the first commandment of the animals’ commune is revised into a witty paradox: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than...
What is a paradox? Learn the paradox definition, paradox literary definition, paradox poetry definition and paradox figure of speech. See paradox...
whatever you’re doing, you needn’t worry, because you’re also doing the opposite. Suchparadoxes... now became his favorite literary device. They appeal not only by their seeming correction of conventional wisdom but also by their hypnotic power, their negation of rational processes," (Acocel...
Definitionofparadox Paradox---astatementwhichseemsimpossible,bacauseitsaystwooppositethings,butwhichhassometruthinit.隽语是指前后两句话或同一句话的前后部分字面内容表面上自相矛盾,荒诞不经或有悖常理,不合逻辑,甚至是荒谬,但是经过仔细的体会确认其内涵深刻,富有哲理,意味深长,言奇意深。隽语的作用在于可以...
Another major difference is that the message of a literary paradox is often not found in its literal meaning. In fact, its literal meaning is often beside the point. For example, in Lewis Carroll’s 1865 bookAlice’s Adventures in Wonderland(a wonderland of paradoxes, if you want to godow...