“Papers, Please” is a one man project, a work that Lucas Pope expanded from a Ludum Dare entry (there is even an immigrant named Dari Ludum early in the game). All programming was done with open source software, and all of the game’s sound effects were sourced through Freesound, a...
《请出示证件》(Papers, Please)是一款由前顽皮狗(Naughty Dog)工作室员工卢卡斯·波普(Lucas Pope)以一人之力,耗时九个月研发的独立游戏。若是一定要在独立游戏之外,为其划分一个游戏类型,应当是模拟游戏(Simulation Games)。这部游戏所讲述的,是在一个虚构的独裁国家阿斯托兹卡(Arstotzka)里,一个边防站中一名移民...
请出示证件安卓中文汉化版(Papers, Please)是Lucasfilm Ltd.旗下同名游戏的手机移植版本,具有一定的政治与反乌托邦要素,该作的玩法与前期流程虽然简单,但是随着时间的推进,许多复杂的选择项便接踵来到玩家面前,而最终游戏中的人物结局如何,都跟你的每项选择有关,推荐给大家! 请出示文件手机版简介 媒体评价 “Buy, st...
When the game starts, you are informed that “people from the above” have chosen you to accept this duty. In reward, they provide you with a flat, so you and your family can live there in comfort. During the day, you will meet foreigners and dwellers of
Indie Game Tide Vol.6 Papers, Please Prologue 《请出示证件》(Papers, Please)是一款由前顽皮狗(...
顺便说一句,这个青楼老板名字叫Dari Ludum,疑似恶搞 Ludum Dare的彩蛋。 Ludum Dare应该是目前世界范围内最有名的“48小时内做一款游戏”的比赛。参赛者都是比较专业的,比如《Papers, Please》的制作人。与之对应的但是相对比较业余的比赛叫做Gamejam。)
“Papers Please is a fantastic idea, beautifully executed.” 8.7/10 –IGN The Short Film Watch the official short film based on the game. By KINODOM PRODUCTIONS. Starring Igor Savochkin. 繼續閱讀 關於此遊戲 Congratulations. The October labor lottery is complete. Your name was pulled. ...
Papers, Please celebrates 10th anniversary with a retro LCD demake, merch, and a big donation ByRussell Addersonpublished11 August 2023 Glory to Arstotzka and to the power of art. news Great moments in PC gaming: Dealing with Jorji Costava in Papers, Please ...
What is Papers, Please? If you’re not familiar, Papers, Please puts you in the shoes of a border crossing official in the newly independent post-Soviet (although the game is set in a purely fictional universe) state of Arstotzka. You sit in your booth in the middle of the border and...
请出示证件Papers PleaseMac版单机游戏Mac游戏 2024-08-31 15:29:00cha*** 未评价,系统默认好评! 2023-10-26 18:27:32faa*** 未评价,系统默认好评! 2023-01-07 20:00:0213*** 未评价,系统默认好评! 2023-01-02 20:29:11ii*** 未评价,系统默认好评!