When the game starts, you are informed that “people from the above” have chosen you to accept this duty. In reward, they provide you with a flat, so you and your family can live there in comfort. During the day, you will meet foreigners and dwellers of
请出示证件手机汉化版(Papers, Please) 类型:经营养成 版本:v1.4.4 平台:安卓游戏 更新时间:2024-11-24 10:55:13 大小:41MB 厂商:3909工作室 请出示证件养成经营像素画风 权限 游戏截图 请出示证件手机汉化版是一款休闲模拟游戏,玩家将扮演一位检察官的工作,你需要做的就是检查每一个来这里办理证件的人员,查看...
请出示证件苹果版(papers, please)游戏简介 请出示证件苹果版是一款非常好玩的角色扮演手游,英文叫作Papers, Please,该游戏由steam移植而来,玩家在这里将扮演一名海关检查人员,你需要检查入境人员的证件,是否走私或携带违禁物品等,避免将某些偷渡,或者不法分子放进自己的国家,严格检查那些伪造证件,如果不小心出现了意外,则...
请出示证件安卓版(Papers, Please!)是一款好玩又具、精彩不时的剧情游戏,游戏剧情丰厚,在游戏中玩家的身份是已明检察官,你要检查别人的证件,游戏玩法简单,剧情多样,你的每一个选择都会影响剧情的开展,而且只要完成相应的关卡挑战就能够获得成就感哦。 请出示证件安卓版(Papers, Please!)玩法 1、游戏玩家充当检察官,...
An official adaptation of the award winning game "Papers, Please" by Lucas Pope. 1982 - East Grestin, Arstotzka. The 6-year war with neighboring Kolechia is over. There is a fragile peace. A border checkpoint now separates east and west Grestin
请出示证件(Papers Please)是一款像素风推理解谜游戏。玩家将扮演一名欧洲战争时期的检察官,需要仔细核对入境者的证件信息,发现其中的错误和矛盾,判断是否准许通过。请出示证件融合了扑克牌元素,玩家可以利用不同功能的卡牌帮助破解谜题。同时,请出示证件设置了时限压力和多种结局,让玩家在推理过程中不断权衡选择。 请出示证...
Papers, Please, free and safe download. Papers, Please latest version: A unique role-playing game!. Papers, Please is a premium role-playing game wher
papers please是一款非常好玩的休闲益智手游。该游戏背景设定在80年代的阿什托兹卡边境,玩家将作为一名边境检察官,检查每一位入境人员的证件,是否合格。游戏主要以文字的形式进行,玩家需要通过收集证据、解开谜题获得线索来研究罪犯的各种问题,并且玩家可以与游戏中的npc交流互动获得线索,逐步揭开真相。游戏具有无尽和故事模式...
Papers, Please dev announces his next game, Return of the Obra Dinn Lucas Pope announces a first-person, “1-bit” mystery game. The Last of Us wins GDC game of the year award The PS3-exclusive The Last of Us took top honors at the 2014 Game Developers Choice Awards. ...
Papers, Please dev announces his next game, Return of the Obra Dinn Lucas Pope announces a first-person, “1-bit” mystery game. The Last of Us wins GDC game of the year award The PS3-exclusive The Last of Us took top honors at the 2014 Game Developers Choice Awards. ...