Pap Smear 又称Pap test,即子宫颈抹片检查,是一项用于筛查子宫颈癌的检查技术。对于21岁以上的女性来说,医生通常建议每3年进行1次的Pap Smear检查,以用于排查患子宫颈癌的风险。那么什么是子宫颈癌呢?子宫颈癌是子宫下部与引道相连的部分出现的癌症。通常,慢性高危HPV带菌者(人类乳头瘤状病毒)会有很高的患癌风险...
A Pap smear (Papanicolau smear; also known as the Pap test) is a screening test forcervical cancer. The test itself involves collection of a sample of cells from a woman's cervix (the end of the uterus that extends into the vagina) during a routinepelvic exam. The cells are placed on...
A Pap smear can detect certain viral infections such as human papillomavirus (HPV), which is known to cause cervical cancer. Early treatment of precancerous changes detected on the Pap smear can stop cervical cancer before it fully develops.
A Pap smear (or Pap test) is quick and does not usually hurt. A Pap test is used to screen forcervical cancer. A provider can look at cells from yourcervixunder a microscope and check for abnormal changes in the cells (cervical dysplasia) and precancerous or cancerous cells. If any a...
Does the thought of having a pap smear test fill you with anxiety? Do you find yourself putting it off again and again? There are many good reasons to get a smear test. It's the responsible thing to do. It can detect serious problems early on. It may even save your life. ...
A Pap smear, also called a Pap test, is an exam a doctor uses to find out if you have cervical cancer. The test can also see changes in your cervical cells that may turn into cancer later. It is named afterGeorgios Papanikolaou, the Greek doctor who invented it. ...
巴氏涂片法,即宫颈刮片细胞学检查,英文名Pap Smear,是以该检查方法的发明者George Papanicolaou 博士的名字命名的。1928年,希腊裔美国细胞病理学家Papanicolaou 博士发现可以通过观察阴道细胞检测出宫颈癌,1941年,Papanicolaou 博士首次将巴氏涂片法作为宫颈癌的筛查方法,降低了宫颈癌的发病率和死亡率,也使得宫颈癌成为了...
什么是TCT 和Pap Smear? TCT是薄层细胞学检测系统 ( thinprep cytologic test)的英文缩写 ,代表目前高层次的筛查方法之一,TCT与HPV检查的结合被认为是最佳筛查方案。当然,由于医学的快速发展,不断有新的细胞学检查方法问世,继TCT之后,美国FDA于1999年批准 LCT用于临床, 所谓的LCT 即自动细胞学检测系统 (autocytepre...
Pap Smear Test for Women to Detect Cervical CancerPinto, Richa