A Pap smear (Papanicolau smear; also known as the Pap test) is a screening test forcervical cancer. The test itself involves collection of a sample of cells from a woman's cervix (the end of the uterus that extends into the vagina) during a routinepelvic exam. The cells are placed on...
Smears from opaque thick liquids or semisolids, such as stool, can be made using a swab to sample and smear the material. From Mahon and Manuselis, 1995. Pap smear(Papanicolaou smear) seepapanicolaou test. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Sevent...
Pap smear, Pap test answers are found in the Taber's Medical Dictionary powered by Unbound Medicine. Available for iPhone, iPad, Android, and Web.
The meaning of PAP SMEAR is a method for the early detection of cancer especially of the uterine cervix that involves the staining of exfoliated cells using a special technique which differentiates diseased tissue —called also Papanicolaou smear, Papani
A Pap smear, also called a Pap test, is an exam a doctor uses to find out if you have cervical cancer. The test can also see changes in your cervical cells that may turn into cancer later. It is named afterGeorgios Papanikolaou, the Greek doctor who invented it. ...
You’ve just watched JoVE’s illustration of the speculum exam and the Pap test. You should now understand how to use the vaginal speculum and how to collect cervical cell sample for diagnostic evaluation. As always, thanks for watching!
Does the thought of having a pap smear test fill you with anxiety? Do you find yourself putting it off again and again? There are many good reasons to get a smear test. It's the responsible thing to do. It can detect serious problems early on. It may even save your life. ...
Most laboratories in the United States use a standard set of terms called the Bethesda System to report, or interpret, test results. Under the Bethesda System, Pap smear samples that have no cell abnormalities are reported as "negative for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy" (meaning the woman...
Pap smear meaning, definition, what is Pap smear: a medical test that takes cells from a w...: Learn more.
Pap test definition: a test for cancer of the cervix, consisting of the staining of cervical cells taken in a cervical or vaginal smear (Pap smear, or pap smear ) for examination of exfoliated cells.. See examples of PAP TEST used in a sentence.