There are absolutely no known medical risks associated with Pap smear screening. (However, there are medical risks from not having a Pap smear.) A woman may experience a small amount ofspotting(lightvaginal bleeding) immediately after a Pap smear, but heavy or excessive bleeding is not normal....
Section A covered the following areas: (1) sociodemographic information (Age, Marital Status, Occupation and Educational background), (2) gynaecological and obstetric history (parity) and (3) history of Pap Smear test, whether the test yielded positive or negative results. The detailed medical ...
Section A covered the following areas: (1) sociodemographic information (Age, Marital Status, Occupation and Educational background), (2) gynaecological and obstetric history (parity) and (3) history of Pap Smear test, whether the test yielded positive or negative results. The detailed medical ...