PANTONE cmyk values in Illustrator do not match the PANTONE book, bridge, or website values SteveInCharge New Here , Sep 19, 2017 Copy link to clipboard What we've done is tried to create a few different swatches using the Solid + Coated v...
When CMYK in reverse gets converted to HEX (which happens on the fly in the color panel) this again happens basd on color management settings. So when I use the HEX code to picture the color you want, I might get different values than you got. In case you think you got it all wron...
When CMYK in reverse gets converted to HEX (which happens on the fly in the color panel) this again happens basd on color management settings. So when I use the HEX code to picture the color you want, I might get different values than you got. In case you think you got it all wron...
PANTONE cmyk values in Illustrator do not match the PANTONE book, bridge, or website values SteveInCharge New Here , Sep 19, 2017 Copy link to clipboard What we've done is tried to create a few different swatches using the Solid + Coated v...