and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited. Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identicalresults, be sure to specify your colors using the exac...
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Simply select a color and copy its code to your clipboard. HEX RGB HSL OKLCH CMYK CIELAB HSV f3ece0 egret f2f0eb snow-white f4f5f0 bright-white f0eee9 cloud-dancer f1e8df gardenia f0eee4 marshmallow e7e9e7 blanc-de-blanc f2e8da pristine ede6db whisper-white e1dbc8 ...
PANTONE® color bridge™ CMYK PC Page: 1 of 14PANTONE Pro. Yel. PC PANTONE 100 PC mC:0 M:0 Y:100 K:0 C:0 M:0 Y:58 K:0 PANTONE 106 PC C:0 M:1 Y:70 K:0 PANTONE 113 PC C:0 M:4 Y:71 K:0 PANTONE 120 PC C:0 M:6 Y:60 K:0 PANTONE 1205 PC C:0 M:5 Y:...
RGB CMYK RYBColor Space Conversions Decimal 12658231 Binary 11000001, 00100110, 00110111 Hexadecimal #c12637 LRV ≈ 13.0% Closest short hex #b23 ΔE = 1.66 RGB rgb(193, 38, 55) RGBA rgba(193, 38, 55, 1.0) Adobe RGB (1998) R: 0.64938, G: 0.16645, B: 0.22448 / #a62a39 ΔE = ...
pantone色卡国际色号带CMYK模式免费查询.pdf,PANTONE Coated Printer: Color Reference PANTONE中国区销售中心 香港站-深圳站-杭州站-北京站-更多城市... 全国免费送货上门 PANTONE PA
因专色印刷是实色印刷并且规定为真正的专色,所以CMYK印专色只能称之为:模拟专色,显而可见同一个专色:如 PANTONE 256 C 其色相肯定是有一定差别的。因而他们的标准是两个标准请参照“潘通四色模拟专色指南-铜板纸(Pantone Solid To Process Guide-Coated)”。若通过CNYK印专色请参照模拟版为标准。 3、“专色墨”...
·eachofthecolorsthatcanbereproducedwithCMYK four-coloroverprinttoobtainsatisfactoryresultswillbe printedontheicon ·eachofthecolorsthatareabletoachievesatisfactory resultswithRGBreplicationisprintedwithICONS Advantages: ·thenewlayoutprovidesawidercolorsurfacetofacilitate ...
Thewiderangeofcolorandcolortocheckmoreconvenientandaccurate AndeachonecanachievesatisfactoryeffectinCMYKbelowthefour-coloroverprintcolorcopyisprintedontheicon EachiconisprintedbelowthecolorthatachievessatisfactoryresultsinRGBsimulationreplication Advantage: ?thenewlayoutprovideswidercolorrangeforeaseofoperationandapplication...