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TumormarkerEntzündungsparameterTo differentiate between a carcinoma of pancreas and an inflammation, two tumor markers (CA 19/9 and CEA) and three inflammation markers were determined in three groups of patients ( n = 20 per group). In the first group, a carcinoma of the pancreas, in the ...
Blood tests showes elevation of some analysis and cancer marker CA 19-9 was 550. Computed thomography-CT scan detected 25 mm large tumor. Patient go to surgery 2 times, histopathological analysis show that he had adenocarcinoma ductale invasivum capitis pancreatis, and after that he receive ...
Zusammenfassung Diagnosestellung mittels Ultraschall- oder CT-gesteuerter Feinnadelbiopsie, ggf. ERCP, selektive Angiographie. Tumormarker Ca 19–9 in ca. 80% erhöht. Cite this chapter Wils, J. (1993). Pankreaskarzinom. In: Seeber, S., Schütte, J. (eds) Therapiekonzepte Onkologie. Sprin...