Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH4 Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II 74 80 Compare Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH4 vs Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II vs Canon model Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH4 Canon EOS 80D 74 79 Compare Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH4 vs Canon EOS 80D vs Nikon model Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH4 Nikon D...
Panasonic LUMIX GH4 4K 镜头相机说明书 LUMIX GH4 Professional 4K Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera DMC-GH4K TYPE 1
松下Panasonic-Lumix-DMC-GH4-相机使用说明书手册.pdf,Basic Owner’s Manual Digital Camera/ Body Model No. DMC-GH4 Please read these instructions carefully before using this product, and save this manual for future use. More detailed instructions on the ope
GH4動態錄影格式: 除此之外,官方也在Panasonic GH4中,加入Zebra 錄影監控、SMPTE時間碼,在進階影像調控中,設有15階主基調修正(Master Pedestal),以及Gamma預設 CINELIKE D 與 CINELIKE V 的兩組調控功能。並針對果凍現象與閃爍現象給予相對抑制成效;...
Sony ZV-E10 Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH4 Surface area: 366.60 mm² vs 224.90 mm² Difference: 141.7 mm² (63%) ZV-E10 sensor is approx. 1.63x bigger than GH4 sensor. Note: You are comparing sensors of very different generations. There is a gap of 7 years between Sony ZV-E10 (2021)...
松下LUMIX DMC-GH4搭载了一块Live MOS传感器,有效像素为1605万像素,具备四核影像处理器和全新的维纳斯引擎,原生ISO感光度范围200-25600,可以扩展至100。快门速度1/8000s~60min,没错,最高支持60分钟长曝光。使用反差式自动对焦系统,49个对焦点,带有松下最新的DFD(散焦测距)技术,可以将对焦时间降低至0.07s,连拍速度12...
现在我选的是松下GH4,原因?作为魔都租房客,在分析我使用的环境和自身能力后,选择了对我而言最具性价比的GH4(当年那个室友把曾经的松下旗舰挂闲鱼自己换GH5了,而我很厚颜无耻的让他先借我GH4用2年),也会稍微谈一谈它和GH5的大概区别。 外观 电池仓
4K video is just one of the tricks up the sleeve of the Lumix GH4, mirrorless CSC that apes the styling and functionality of a DSLR. The GH4 debuted under a shroud of mystery, unveiled at CES 2014 behind protective glass as a mysterious 4K video-shooting CSC. The first mirrorless camera...
Lens:LUMIX G VARIO 100-300mm / F4.0-5.6 / MEGA O.I.S. | F4.1, 1/250 sec, ISO 640 Visit LUMIX GH4 Special Gallery: Get Support for LUMIX Digital Single Lens Mirrorless Camera DMC-GH4 ...