Panasonic LUMIX GH4 4K 镜头相机说明书 LUMIX GH4 Professional 4K Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera DMC-GH4K TYPE 1
Explore the Panasonic DMC-GH4A - Camera - The GH4's new Live MOS Sensor and Venus Engine team up to reduce noise while raising resolution and improving color reproduction. Innovative DFD technology increases the speed of Contrast AF. As the world&ap
Doug Campbell, Product Marketing Manager, LUMIX, Panasonic Australia, said:“Panasonic has achieved a new milestone for the LUMIX G Series with this camera. The LUMIX DMC-GH4 offers a raft of enhancements that surpass the capabilities of the previous DMC-GH3 to deliver best-in-class performanc...
4K video is just one of the tricks up the sleeve of the Lumix GH4, mirrorless CSC that apes the styling and functionality of a DSLR. The GH4 debuted under a shroud of mystery, unveiled at CES 2014 behind protective glass as a mysterious 4K video-shooting CSC. The first mirrorless camera...
松下LUMIX DMC-GH4搭载了一块Live MOS传感器,有效像素为1605万像素,具备四核影像处理器和全新的维纳斯引擎,原生ISO感光度范围200-25600,可以扩展至100。快门速度1/8000s~60min,没错,最高支持60分钟长曝光。使用反差式自动对焦系统,49个对焦点,带有松下最新的DFD(散焦测距)技术,可以将对焦时间降低至0.07s,连拍速度12...
ebay上金牌卖家quickndone出售此款Panasonic松下旗舰级 Lumix DMC-GH4, 1600万像素单电机身,现价$909.99,还可使用优惠码C2EBAY10OFF62节省10美元。某东现价¥7299 松下DMC-GH4搭载全新的1605万像素CMOS及4核Venus Engine IX处理器,相机便用上新的DFD(Depth from Defocus)技术,将对焦时间缩短至0.07s。对焦锁定下,...
京东 促销价 历史新低:Panasonic 松下 LUMIX DMC-GH4 无反相机机身 松下4K视频强机,近期好价。 爆料人: 专修打火机 17-06-19发布 还有一大堆赠品 小编补充: 京东秒杀价6299元,历史新低价,需要的可以入手了。 简明购买步骤 1 加购 当前商品1件 2 下单 ...
松下4K视频强机新低价。 爆料原文: 松下视频强机,手机端可用钻石用户的3000-150做到6449元,即便是普通用户领取5000-100也可做到6499元。近期好价。(ps:别挣扎了,GH5今年不一定会发布。) 小编补充: 京东移动端特价至6599元,领取满5000-100之后,实付6499元,随机会附送读卡器、SD卡和清洁套装。GH4是松下目前的...
松下Lumix DMC-GH4 微单移动端新底价,支持4K视频拍摄,高性价比。 小编补充: 京东移动端特价至6799元包邮,松下目前的旗舰机型,M4/3阵营的视频强机。 查看更多 商品介绍: 松下LUMIX DMC-GH4搭载了一块Live MOS传感器,有效像素为1605万像素,具备四核影像处理器和全新的维纳斯引擎,原生ISO感光度范围200-25600,可以扩展...
Potential Utility of a 4K Consumer Camera for Surgical Education in Ophthalmology digital video camera (LUMIX DMC-GH4, Panasonic, Japan) and with 0.41 million pixels using a conventional analog video camera (MKC-501, Ikegami, Japan)... I Tsunetomo,H Yutaka,N Miyuki - Journal of Ophthalmology,...