Injectable; Injection; Pantoprazole 40 mg Tablets, Enteric Coated; Oral; Pantoprazole 20 mg Tablets, Enteric Coated; Oral; Pantoprazole 40 mg Medical categories: Human: Antacids, antireflux agents and antiulcerants Proton-Pump inhibitors Indications and usages, anatomical therapeutic chemical and disease...
To demonstrate the reconsolidation phenomenon, the animals receive a CS presentation to retrieve the memory 6 or 24 h after conditioning, followed by an injection of the protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin. At a retention test 18 h after the injection, the CR (number of rasps) of the ...
Luciferin (150 mg kg−1, Gold Biotechnology) was administered by i.p. injection. Imaging was performed on mice while under anesthesia (isoflurane 3 l, in O2 1 l min−1 with vacuum). The signal was acquired with open filters and small binning. Radiance was used as a ...
Mice in PAN group and fenofibrate treated group received a single intravenous injection of PAN ( 65 mg ·kg-1 ) , while those in control group received equal volume of saline. Mice in fenofibrate treated group re-ceived 40 mg · kg-1 · d-1 of fenofibrate ( intragastric ...
Local injection of a steroid into a previously injected joint is not usually recommended. Corticosteroid injection into unstable joints is generally not recommended. Intra-articular injection may result in damage to joint tissues (see ADVERSE REACTIONS, Musculoskeletal section). Musculoskeletal ...
Treatment Protocol Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy In the ranibizumab group, study eyes received a 0.5-mg intravitreous injection at baseline and every 4 weeks through 12 weeks. Thereafter, re-treatment was based on investigator assessment of neovascularization on extended ophthalmoscopy and any available...
Injection was administered into the haemocoel of the last right pro-leg using a 10 µL Hamilton micro syringe. The larvae were then placed in Petri dishes and incubated at 37 °C, with monitoring conducted over the course of 72 h. Survival curves were constructed based on the criteria of...
AntibioticDose (mg)Cmax(mg/L)Half‐life (h)Protein binding (%)Urinary recoveryc(%) Imipenema50012–200.9513–2070 Meropenem500230.951070 Panipenemb500281.2430 Biapenem600321.0460 Ertapenem1000155 (i.v.) 67 (i.m.)4.09538 i.v., intravenous infusion; i.m., intramuscular injection. ...
Schematic of lung colonisation assay using vital dye-stained SP1 knockdown (red) and control MDA-MB-231 cells (green) co-injected into the tail vein of NXG mice. Lungs were imaged 24 h post-injection, displaying representative images with a heatmap analysis using QuPath pixel mapping. Cell ...
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a major nosocomial pathogen that causes severe disease including sepsis. Carbapenem-resistant P. aeruginosa is recognised by the World Health Organisation as a priority 1 pathogen, with urgent need for new therapeutics. As such,