"Palm Sugar" transcends gaming by fully embracing the cultural nuances of South India. The game is thoughtfully localized in Telugu, English, and Hindi ensuring players can deeply connect with the dialogues and cultural references. The narrative draws inspiration from iconic figures, seamlessly integrat...
Palm wine is particularly common in south India (Shamala and Sreekantiah, 1988). The local name for the product is kallu in Andhra Pradesh (telugu), in south India. The sap is collected from tapping the palm. This involves making a small incision in the bark of the palm, about 15 cm...
It is classified as palm and has been declared as non-threatened palm in South East Asia. It thrives in mangroves areas in Jambi Province but underutilized. Various parts of nypa tree are utilized such as leaves for thatching, roofing and nypa sap to makesugar. The young inflorescence before...
taati munjalu, toddy palm fruit, nongu, tadgola In Andhra, toddy palm seed vendors sitting with clusters of palm fruit along the highway road is a common sight. I am fortunate to have access to fresh toddy palm seeds every summer. Ever day, a sugar palm seeds vendor comes home and de...