PalliativePerformanceScale(PPS) Description ThePalliativePerformanceScaleisareliableandvalidtoolusedforassessingapatient’s functionalstatus.PPSwasdevelopedbyVictoriaHospiceSociety,BritishColumbia. ThePPSisdividedinto11categoriesthataremeasuredin10%decrementalstages(100%to ...
Use of Palliative Performance Scale (PPS) in PrognosticationVIHA Research RoundsNov. 26, 2009G. Michael Downing, MDClin . Assoc Prof, UBC, Fac. o o f Med, Div of Palliative CareAdjunct Asst Prof, UVic School of Health Information SciencePalliative Medicine & Research Director, Victoria ...
Use of Palliative Performance Scale (PPS) in PrognosticationVIHA Research RoundsNov. 26, 2009G. Michael Downing, MDClin . Assoc Prof, UBC, Fac. o o f Med, Div of Palliative CareAdjunct Asst Prof, UVic School of Health Information SciencePalliative Medicine & Research Director, Victoria Hospice...
lung cancer symptom scalepalliative carePatients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) have a life expectancy of less than 1 year. Therefore, it is important to maximize their quality of life and find a tool that can more accurately predict survival.#The Palliative ...
Finally, we briefly evaluated the use of a proxy discomfort measurement scale within a sample of patients receiving palliative sedation. Methods Study design and settings This study was part of the international European Horizon 2020 (H2020) “Palliative Sedation” project. In this prospective, ...
While mortality rates from advanced chronic liver disease (ACLD) are rapidly increasing, patients with an advanced disease stage have a comparable
Supervivencia, según la Palliative Performance Scale, de pacientes oncológicos trasladados a unidades de cuidados paliativos de media estancia por un equipo de soporte hospitalarioSurvival of cancer patients discharged to intermediate stay palliative care units according to the Palliative Performance Scale...
[16] and the Palliative Performance Scale 2 (PPS). Nurses play a key role in helping the patient throughout this natural process. The gentle “winding down” at the very end of life can be very peaceful as the body starts to let go, so if the patient is distressed or restless, this...
Reports on a prospective study to examine the validity of the Palliative Performance Scale (PPS) from the perspective of prognostication. 245 consecutive terminally ill cancer patients (mean age 67 yrs) who were admitted to the palliative care unit between September 1996 and August 1997 and between...
The value of "Palliative Performance Scale" (PPS) to estimate survival of patients with terminal illness is widely recognized. This scale has also been used in care planning and resource management in palliative care. To estimate survival in the host institution for cancer patients who move to in...