Palliative Performance Scale (PPSv2) 热度: PPS_Description.doc 1stprintingJanuary,2003. RevisedFebruary2005 PalliativePerformanceScale(PPS) Description ThePalliativePerformanceScaleisareliableandvalidtoolusedforassessingapatient’s functionalstatus.PPSwasdevelopedbyVictoriaHospiceSociety,BritishColumbia. ...
The Palliative Performance Scale (PPS) has been validated to predict survival based on performance status and separately has been shown to predict survival among adults admitted to the hospital from the ED. Objective: To concurrently validate the 6-month prognostic utility of P-Ca...
Palliative Care and Rapid Emergency Screening Tool and the Palliative Performance Scale to Predict Survival of Older Adults Admitted to the Hospital From t... Palliative Care and Rapid Emergency Screening Tool and the Palliative Performance Scale to Predict Survival of Older Adults Admitted to the ...
The Palliative Prognostic Index (PPI) is widely used for survival prediction in terminally ill cancer patients based on palliative performance scale, oral intake, edema, dyspnea at rest, and delirium. The PPI score ranges from 0 to 15. The PPI score over 6 indicates the predicted survival time...
Conversely, patients with a Palliative Performance Scale between 50% and 90% were more likely to visit the ED.17 In our study, there were fewer missed opportunities for cancer patients than for patients with other diseases, possibly because ED staff perceive or recognize cancer as a chronic and...
Conversely, patients with a Palliative Performance Scale between 50% and 90% were more likely to visit the ED.17 In our study, there were fewer missed opportunities for cancer patients than for patients with other diseases, possibly because ED staff perceive or recognize cancer as a chronic and...
(RFA), or ablative dose of SBRT. All of them had index symptoms of either pain or abdominal discomfort. Other eligibility criteria includes, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status of 0 to 3, expected survival ≥ 1 month, platelet count > 25 × 109/L, ...
Davis et al., 2017United States Assess the impact of Pasero Opioid-Induced Sedation Scale (POSS) implementation or re-education on naloxone use in patients receiving hydromorphone. Retrospective chart review Naloxone, opioid, respiratory depression, POSS Increased POSS documentation was observed with an...
Caregivers: individuals (e.g. adult children, spouses, parents, friends and neighbours) who provide care that is typically uncompensated and usually at home, which involves significant amounts of time and energy for months or years, and that requires the performance of tasks that may be physicall...
In HCP staff who care for adult critically ill patients for whom LST is deemed to be inappropriate by the medical team does the use of a structured EoL decision-making strategy improve staff work satisfaction and decrease mental-health symptoms?