The Temple of the Gales is the Temple of the Wind, a third temple in the main storyline of Palia that players will get to discover and unravel its secrets in the latest patch of Palia which is currently live. There are several quests tied to the progression of this temple but players m...
There are two main ways to customize your home area. First, you can use the CTRL key to directly grab things and move them around. This is pretty easy to do, and you’re able to see how something looks before you place it. However, it can be annoying to move multiple things like ...
NPCs *will* remember your past choices and respond accordingly. How far we will go in making these types of choices affect the main storyline is TBD. We do want to do choice based content for our main storyline, but these may be group decisions as opposed to individual choices. Currently...
("##Quest", &Singles[static_cast<int>(EOneOffs::Quest)])) { Configuration::Save(); } ImGui::TableNextColumn(); ImGui::ColorPicker("##Quest", &SingleColors[static_cast<int>(EOneOffs::Quest)]); ImGui::TableNextRow(); ImGui::TableNextColumn(); ImGui::Text("Rummage Piles"); ...