The main reason why Tamala is near the bottom of this list is because there’s too little payoff for the effort you have to do just to talk to her. She lives alone in the far reaches of Bahari Bay. Chances are, you may never meet in the game if you don’t go looking for her....
While we do have a list of post-launch NPCs we're planning on, we always want to make sure that the NPCs present in Palia feel rich and meaningful, over abundant and nondescript. Taking the time to make sure they have deep backstories and connections with other NPCs is very important t...
Entities: Players, NPCs, Fish, Fish Pools, Loot, Quests, Rummage Piles, and Stables. Ores ESP: Options to toggle visibility and color customization for various sizes (Small, Medium, Large) of ores like Clay, Stone, Copper, Iron, and Palium. Forageables ESP: Toggle settings for various typ...
When it comes to reliable villagers, Hodari is definitely at the top of the list. However, he’s not exactly the kind of guy to make friends easily, but earning his friendship (or his love) leads to learning a lot about him and his daughter, Najuma. To get close to Hodari, give ...
{ ImDrawList* draw_list = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); ImVec2 canvas_p0 = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos(); // Top-left corner of the canvas auto grid_center = ImVec2(canvas_p0.x + canvas_size.x * 0.5f, canvas_p0.y + canvas_size.y * 0.5f); draw_list->AddRectFilled(canvas_p0...