Typos on a huge scale » Dec 10, 18The impact of “minor” but constant pain » Dec 10, 18Biological vulnerabilities: the underestimated x-factors in chronic pain » Nov 27, 18Cherry-picking, nit-picking, and bad science dressed as good science » Nov 15, 18...
To our knowledge, this is the first large-scale birth cohort study including several prospectively collected height measures during childhood and adolescence as well as spinal pain in both pre-and late adolescence. We demonstrated that being tall during childhood and adolescence predisposed to spinal ...
Results Fifty-nine studies were included after the full-text screening. An additional 18 studies were identified by N. B. and G. G. during the manual search and by contacting authors. In total, 77 studies underwent full-text screening and analysis (see PRISMA flow chart in Fig.1). Of th...
• Pre-Course: To investigate the development of a multicultural pain assessment chart to be used in our inpatient and outpatient settings. • Immediate Post-Course: Develop a multicultural 0-10 pain scale. • 6 Month Post-Course: The scale is available in English, French, Spanish, Croati...
Name:___BirthDate:___ChartNumber:___ Phone:Work:___Home:___Cell:___ ReferringProvider’sNameandAddress:___ InformationAboutYourPain Pleasedescribeyourpainproblem(useaseparatesheetofpaperifneeded):___
extremely obese children across three age ranges encompassing children aged between 2 and 19 years compared with normal-weight children.33 During this review, we identified only one scale (other than a quality-of-life tool) that was specifically used to examine the impact of pain in obese ...
Figure 1.Participant Eligibility Flow Chart. Table 1delineates the characteristics of individuals included in the study stratified by frequent physical exercise status. In total, most individuals did not have pain (62.9%). Of those who did have pain, the most common was little pain (22.6%),...
The following supporting information can be downloaded at:https://www.mdpi.com/article/10.3390/nu14183776/s1, Figure S1: Participants’ flow chart; Figure S2: Interaction analyses. Associations of vitamin D intake with pain incidence and changes in the pain scale over 5 years in older adults; ...
Nonetheless, the average effect, as expressed in the meta-analytic estimate of approximately 0.5 SD, is of clear clinical relevance whether considered either as a standardized difference100 or when converted back to a pain scale. The difference between acupuncture and sham is of lesser magnitude, ...
Hudes K: The Tampa scale of kinesiophobia and neck pain, disability and range of motion: a narrative review of the literature. J Can Chiropr Assoc 2011, 55: 222–232. PubMed Central PubMed Google Scholar Paemeleire K, Van Buyten J-P, Van Buynder M, et al.: Phenotype of patients ...