compared with the first interpretation of the Basic Law by NPC in June 1999. 以民調數字計算,中央政府已經付出 沉重 的代 價,比1999年6月第一次人大釋法時更加沉重,現 在 應該 盡快進行補救工作。 D is the aggregate amount of all distributions then already paid or...
the Company available for distribution or any part of any of the Company’s reserve accounts (including any special account, share premium account and capital redemption reserve fund) as the Directors may determine, a sum equal to the aggregate nominal amount of the shares to be allotted on ...
PROPOSED ACQUISITION OF THE ENTIRE ISSUED AND PAID-UP SHARE CAPITAL OF GLOBAL INVACOM HOLDINGS LIMITEDIn view of GIHL's expertise and substantial presence in the satellite communications and television peripherals industries, the Board believes that the Proposed Acquisition allows the Company to inve...
Almos t immediately it Rlla Spellman was suggested that the entire group Evan P arker, on leave of absence from duties in drive down to the n ation's capital NCP, recently sent a bus hel of oranges from Orlando, to witness the event. Fla ., to his departm ent friends. . . . ...
mesi o 30.000 km (o 20.000 km per alcune motorizzazioni Diesel) per le vetture con tagliando biennale (a seconda della condizione che si verifica prima); con Hyundai Capital Bank (in abbinamento al veicolo nuovo) o in contanti. Le condizioni economiche sono valide a partire da marzo 2023...